"It seems we're early." Igraine made her way towards the table, setting her purse on her chair.

Artoria let her eyes wander. "Is it possible that I can take a look around?" She asked, blinking up at her mother.

Igraine looked down at her gold watch and nodded. "We aren't to meet for another twenty minutes; just please be back on time."

"Of course, mum." She nodded before turning towards a wooden archway wrapped in pink rose vines that opened to a thin cobbled path. "I'll set the timer for fifteen minutes," she said as she pulled her phone from a clear clutch that was swung over her shoulder.

Artoria's low heels clacked against the uneven stone path as she stepped deeper into the jungle of plants. The black pathway lamps flickered on, now that it was getting darker and the botanical garden was made only of windows. "We are at the botanical gardens on some ridiculous set up by my mother," she finally replied to Diarmuid.

A setup?

"You can materialize. There's no one around, anyway," she suggested after taking a careful look around.

A cloud of glowing dust swirled next to her and formed the figure of the man. He appeared, bowing slightly with a hand to his chest. "At your service, master."

Artoria eyed him momentarily and rolled her eyes. "You don't need to do that. Anyways, my mother wants me to meet someone beneficial; she's hoping we might date and, even more so, marry."

"I thought times were different now...." He stood straight and analyzed the area.

"They are. At least for those that don't have to worry about family legacies," she huffed. "What's your favourite flower, Diarmuid?" She asked, looking up at him after she stepped onto the raised stones on the side of the path that separated the trail from the flowers.

Diarmuid looked at her, his eyebrow raised and his lips twisted in a bewildered smile. "My favourite flower? With all respect, what does that have to do with anything?"

Artoria nodded. "Mine is a vervain...it's simple," she shrugged, "but it means protection against evil." She steadied her steps as she balanced on the raised stones while she walked.

"I don't think I've ever seen one...." Diarmuid mumbled as he offered her a hand to steady herself.

She denied his hand. "You probably have; they're quite unassuming." She shrugged. "So, what's your favourite flower?"

"No one has ever asked me such a question." He stared at her quite perplexed.

Artoria turned her head towards him, looking over her bare shoulder and stopped balancing on the wobbly stone. "Well, it's an important question. Flowers have meanings, and they can say quite a lot about who you are."

"Surely a flower can't tell you who I am. I might just like a flower because it's pretty. There doesn't have to be a meaning to it."

Artoria jumped from the raised shoulder and landed on an uneven cobblestone that slightly pained her ankle; she regretted that tiny hop. "That's certainly true. But when you know the meaning of flowers, they give a little depth to details you put. For example, if I were to love black roses and give one to a woman with child and she knew the meaning, I'd probably get cursed at."

Diarmuid cracked a smile. "I haven't any idea of what a black rose means, but it mustn't be good."

"Goodness no! It means death."

"Then I'd have to think about it. I can't possibly choose a flower at random and risk you thinking I'd betray you."

She nodded. "Well, a word of advice, steer clear from a black dahlia."

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