Grocery shopping

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I was thinking about updating yesterday but something came up. So I will try to make this chapter as long as I can go.

Naruto's Pov:
As me and Haru we're getting close to the store I heard little snores. Awww so cute. But he's sleep so fast? I mean he has had a long day. I'll let him sleep while I pick out some stuff. But I need to hurry before it gets really dark. Finally we're here. Now what should I get him? I feel like he's kinda a blue person. So I should get him a few outfits with blue in them. Wait what's his size? Stupid Naruto just check. I check his pants size and shirt size. Oh he needs shoes to I will just try to get his feet sized. This is kinda hard with him sleeping on me. Now I should get him a few toys. Crayons? No cars? Idk what to get him maybe I should just grab a few things. And that's what I did I grabbed a few different toys and threw them in the cart. I sure do have a lot of stuff in this cart so far. Oh I still need food since my fridge is basically empty. I start walking to the food isle when I bump into somebody. "A-are you okay I didn't mean t-to bump into you" I heard a voice say. Wait I know this voice "Hinata?" "Naruto? Oh hey! Feeling any better?" She asks. "Yeah I'm feeling just fine now." I say and she nods. Then I look at her eyes and catch them going from me to Haru. Oh I forgot he was right there. "Naruto are you babysitting somebodies child?" She asks. "Um actually this is my child from now on" I say with a small smile. "WHAT?! HOW SINCE WHEN?! CAN I SEE WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE?! IS HE SLEEPING?" She yells. "Calm down before you wake him up" I say covering her mouth. She nods slowly as I take my hand away. To late now. I can feel him starting to shift in my hold. He then shoots his head up and rubs his eyes slowly. OMG OMG SO CUUUTE. He then looks around. "Mommy are we at the store?" He asks in kind of a whisper. "Yes and I picked up a few things already" I say. The he turns his head in front of us. "Mommy who's this pretty lady?" He asks. I look at Hinata who is staring at me with wide eyes. "I guess it's the mommy part that got to you?" I ask. She nods fast and says "OMG HE'S TOO CUTE AND A GENTLEMEN!". "Hinata I told you to stop being so loud" I say. She walks closer to Haru and says "Hi there cutie I'm hinata your mommy's best friend. What's your name?". "I'm Haruki but mommy calls me Haru for short" he says grinning. "Awww! How old are you?" She asks. "I'm this many" he says holding up 3 fingers like he did to me. "Wait you're 3?! And you talk so proper. I thought you were like 5" hinata says. "How did you get Haru anyways Naruto?" She asks. "I'll tell you everything tomorrow. But for now can you help me out?" I say. "Sure! With what?" She asks. "Shopping for food I have to hurry before it gets to dark. Could you also give me a ride home?" I say. "Yes anything for my best friend" she says with a soft smile. "Thank you" We start walking through food isles. "So what exactly do you need?" She asks me. I reply with "um basically anything because I only have instant ramen at my house." She shoots me a glare "Naruto that's not healthy for you again" she says. I just shrug. "What do to have to eat when you start living with me Haru?" I ask. "Umm ramen and donuts ummm... and orange juice!" He says putting his fist in the air. Me and Hinata chuckle. "Well I see he likes ramen, but Haru that's not really healthy. I don't know if you can have the donuts" Hinata says. Haru eyes go big and I can see tears forming in his eyes. What should I do? I've never dealt with this before. "Haru what she meant to say was we will see if they have any donuts here." He blinks away the tears and replaces his frown with a smile and nods his head. I motion for Hinata to come here. "Yes?" She asks. "For now let's just go what I said he was about to cry" I whisper to her. "Oohhh okay yeah let's do that" she whispers back. We continue our shopping.

~Time skip 40 minutes later~
We finally got everything we need. As for food we just got regular things like bread, cereal, milk, rice, etc. Now we are loading Hinata's car with the groceries. We're finish now and getting in the car. I put Haru in the backseat and buckled him in. I shut the door and walk to the passenger's side. Once I get in the car Hinata is already in the driver's seat. "M-mommy I wanna be up there with you" I hear. I look back to see Haru staring at me. "You have to sit back there and be a big boy though" I say gently. "But I don't wanna mommy I want you!" He says now crying. I look at Hinata she looks like she wants to cry now. She nods her head. "Okay come on Haru I'm sorry" I say. He's adorable when he cries but it sure is loud. I'm pretty sure people can hear it outside of the car. He wipes his tears away and unbuckles his seatbelt. Now he's hiccuping. He starts walking a little then crawls from the back to the front into my lap. I hug him as he puts his head on my chest. "That was the cutest thing I ever saw" Hinata says at us. I smile softly at her then I look back at Haru. "I'm sorry mommy" he mumbles softly. I kiss his head "there's no need to be sorry you didn't do anything" I say whispering. "Wait Naruto that means he probably has separation anxiety or something. If he does what are you gonna do when you got to school? Who's gonna watch him when you go to school?!" She says now panicking. Oh shit she's right. "Hinata calm down I'll figure it out tomorrow okay". "But we have school tomorrow" she replies calming down a bit. "I'll just talk to principal tsunade you know she's my godmother". I say as she nods. "Okay now can we leave? I think Haru's sleep" I ask. "Oh yeah sorry about that let's go" she says as she starts the car.

I'm sorry about the updating thing anyways. I have nothing to say but until then

Ja ne 😉

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