Why Does It Matter To You?

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All I can say is thank you for 2k reads. Also explanation in the last chapter.
Naruto's Pov:
How am I supposed to know if I like boys. Oh wait I already confirmed that I was gay in my head. Well I'm not telling them. "Well?" They all ask. "That's for me to know and y'all to find out" I say. "I kinda feel like we already found out" Shino says. "How?" I ask. "It's pretty obvious" Ino says. " How?" I ask again. Ino looks at the boys and Kiba starts. " you pulled me down to cuddle with you" he says while blushing. "Okay? And?" I say. "And you kissed me" they all say at the same time. The they look at each other like their killing with their eyes. Weird. "And you kissed me twice remember?" Shikamaru says. Oh I forgot about that. "Twice?!" They all day even the girls. "Yeah when we was walking to the ramen shop. Back when we was in that store and you seen him whisper something in my ear. He said if I wake up I can get a kiss" Shikamaru answers truthfully. Then they all turn their heads to me. "Is it true?" Sai asks. "Y-Yeah but I didn't expect him to actually wake up" I said as I stuttered. Why did I stutter I sound scared. Well I am a little the way the boys are looking at me. "This is like watching a tv show" hinata says. I turn to her and flip her off. "So if he got two kisses can we get another one?" Sasuke asks. Now they are looking at me desperately. It looks like they want to devour me. "N-no why w-would I let you guys do that" I say looking a way a blushing mess. "Come on Naruto that's not fair and if you won't let us I guess we'll just have to steal it" Kiba says. "Well let's finish eating breakfast. Shall we? Yeah I think we should!" I say. I quickly devour my breakfast and run into the living get my clothes for today and run in the bathroom. Annoying much. And it shoulder to matter to them what I am. Like I was going to tell them later. But supposedly now they know. I take off my clothes and hop in the shower. After about 15 minutes I get out the shower. I change into a orange hoodie and some black skinny jeans. I peak my head out the bathroom to see nobody in the living room. Then I hear talking in the dining room. Oh they're still in there. I walk over there and stand in the door way. Not saying anything. "Be honest how many of you like naruto?" Hinata asks. They all raise they're slowly hand. "No need to be so shy guys he's still in the bathroom. Now why do you like him?" Hinata asks. Neji answers " I like his big blue eyes that look like the ocean. And his sun kissed skin". I feel a tiny bit of heat go to my cheeks. "Aww okay next" Ino says. " I like his hair, eyes, and personality" Sasuke says. Gaara says same. " I like his personality and whiskers. The whiskers make him look like a fox". Shino states. They are so sweet kinda when they're not teasing me or being perverts. " I don't know my heart just flutters around when I'm with him and I feel like I want him all to myself".Gaara says. "Aww well that's sweet but it looks like you have to share" Ino says. Now it's only Kiba and Sai left. "I like everything about naruto since the first time I met him!" Kiba says with a grin on his face. "So sweet okay Sai you're turn". Hinata says. "I like the way he kissed me and his plump a- " Sai was saying until he was cut off my Sasuke. "Okay that's enough for one day" Sasuke says. Everybody shakes their heads yes to agree with him. I clear my throat to let them know I'm here. They all jumped and turned to face me. "O-oh naruto how long have you been there?" Shino asks. "Long enough to hear everything" I say. All the boys blush slightly except Sai he was just smirking like he was proud of what he said or what he was trying to say. That brought my attention to Sai and I started walking up to him. I lift my hand and bang it against his head as hard as I can. Every bodies eyes went wide while Sai was holding his head in pain. "Don't ever talk about me like that ever again you stupid pervert" I say then stick out my tongue. Everybody started laughing except me and Sai. Then I heard a ding and checked my phone. Eh?!!!. A message from the pervy old man saying he's coming back to town?! Oh this is my godfather Jiraiya but he's always somewhere being a pervert. Did I mention that tsunade is my godmother? Tsunade and Jiraiya are not together but they are good friends. They were also really good friends of my parents. Anyways the text says. 'I'm coming back in town for a while. Let's meet up at the ramen shop around 5:00pm to catch up. What do you say kiddo?'. I text back 'only if you're paying pervy old man'. 'Ay I told you stop calling me that! And fine I'll pay' he texts back. I chuckle quietly but obviously not quiet enough if it caught somebodies attention. "What are you laughing at?" Kiba asks. "Nothing just texting my grandfather" I state. "Oh okay" he says the goes back to talking.

It took me awhile to get the right idea and wording for everything but I eventually got it. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Until next time

Ja ne😗

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