Afghanistan was powerless against him. There was no way she could defeat the Superpower this time. Her body shifted back, trying to get away from the flames that wrapped around his glowing form. America's blazing eyes bore into hers, with a ferocity that burned brightly.

In her eyes, he was a god, about to cast divine judgement and for her, it meant death but she did not waver. Not once did she retract her gaze from the enemy.

America smiled and lifted his hand. Afghanistan braced herself for the pain.

All there was, was a gentle warmth that brushed her face, and a rush of light and air from the world she was hidden from. Her chadri had been flung away and set ablaze. The brilliant hot red hues, brought the fabric back to life just before it charred into a crumbling black. Her eyes widened in awe as she gaped at the sky and earth that she had almost forgotten about, finally unobstructed by the red veil.

She sat within a cage of fire, unable to move but it was alright. For some reason, she didn't mind staying put.

"Why didn't you end me?" she whispered as her eyes began to water.

"Maybe it was pity, or perhaps I respected your determination. Whatever the case, just don't give me another reason to kill you and it will be alright." he replied before dashing off to regroup with his instructor.

NATO was having a hard time obstructing the hooded figure's Awakening and attacking at the same time. The enemy was also surprisingly resilient too but luckily he had Russia's help.

A pillar of ice suddenly lifted NATO into the air, just in time to avoid a wave of smog and few more erupted from the earth to give him the high ground. NATO smiled to himself as his energy veil smothered the smoke once more to give his pupil a cleared path.

"There you go." he chuckled as America suddenly appeared behind the villain and swung him into a pillar, sending them crashing down.

It was three against one; terrible odds to ever be in but escape was nowhere on his mind as he ducked around, avoiding multiple attacks. Afghanistan was nearby. All he needed was to get closer and that was exactly what he did.

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