I agree.

Alderic releases an audible sigh, "Fine, I can understand that's logical enough to believe but you all had plans in place in order to escape before he decided to leave you behind. What were those plans?"

"I followed Pierce to the safe house and Richard met us there afterwards. That's all I know." Ornella answers, tears sliding down her cheeks but I catch that small skip of her heartbeat. An indication of deceit.

She's lying.

Alderic hears me loud and clear. Without saying a word that jagged knife is buried into Ornella's abdomen, Alderic holding it in place and twisting as he watches Ornella's eyes bulge while she screams with blood dripping from her lips. Alderic threatens her with, "Torture will be all you know if you keep lying to me. Think of death as heaven compared to what I'm going to do to you for the rest of your undying days."

Her immortality will become a nightmare rather than a gift.

"There-there w- was a plan!" She screams, hoping it will stop Alderic's torture."

Alderic doesn't relieve his hold on the knife, neither does he try to pull it out. He keeps it there and keeps it there and keeps her suffering as he demands, "What plane? Where is it?"

"I don't know," She answers, Alderic's eyes darkening dangerously at that. She's see's the danger in his gaze and quickly rushes out, "But it's located somewhere around the border of the city. It's how we were going to escape once we had a pilot."

Alderic, pleased, pulls the knife out of her abdomen and blood splatters out before coming to a slow stop as Ornella cries out in pain. I take a step forward, my heart beating fast now that we finally have a lead on Richard. I place my hand on his arm and ask, "Are we going to search for the plane, Ric?"

Alderic turns his head so that our eyes lock, a small smirk gracing his lips, "Yes, Rose." I smile back at him before he turns back to Ornella, "After we've dealt with her."

I turn to look at Ornella, her heart pounding loudly In my ears as she croaked, "Please, just kill me already. I gave you everything."

"And I want to thank you for that... but now it's about time you face the husband you betrayed," Alderic smirks, his tone sinister that it causes goosebumps to rise along my skin.

Ornella has an angered outburst, tears falling from her eyes in outrage as she slams herself against the chains, "Kill me!"

When it's clear Alderic won't Ornella screams and then begins to hyperventilate, struggling to breathe. We both watch Alderic move towards the wall of weapons but this time he doesn't grab a weapon. He returns with a silver chain connected to a silver collar. Ornella catches sight of it, her eyes continuing to water as she bows her head in shame and humiliation.

He's going to present her as a human pet.

Quite fitting.

Once Alderic has the silver collar locked around her neck, he holds the silver leash out to me, "Can you hold this for me, please." I nod and take the lead from him, allowing him to unlock her shackles while I keep a firm hold on her.

My voice darkens when I whisper to her, "Try anything and seeing Aurelien again will be the least of your worries." Her head shakes and her head remains bowed but I know she heard me. I give the leash back to Alderic when he's done, "What will your father do with her?"

The Dark Rose 🌹 {18+}Where stories live. Discover now