Tow Chandler Saw Rachel

Start from the beginning

"Okay, Okay.  Could we change the subject, please?" Rachel asked clearly uncomfortable.

"Yeah. 'cause, hello, these are not her boobies. These are breasts." Phoebe said.

"Okay, pheebs. I was hoping for more of a change." Rachel told the blonde.

"I don't know why you're so embarrassed. They were very nice boobies." Chandler reasoned with her.

"Nice?" Rachel asked. "They were nice? I mean that's it? I mean mittens are nice."

"Okay, rock. Hard place. Me." Chandler joked causing Roger to give off a ridiculous laugh.

"You're...You're...You're so funny." He said while still laughing just as hard. "He's really funny." He said as he turned to Phoebe. "Of course, I wouldn't want to be there when the laughter stops."

"Uh oh." Ashley mumbled under her breath.

"Woah, woah. Back up their sparky. What did you mean by that?" Chandler asked in an offended manner.

"It just seems as though that maybe you have intimacy issues. That you use your humour as a way of keeping people at a distance." Roger replied. "I mean hey. I just met you. I don't know you from atom." He continued. "Only child, right? Parents divorced before you hit puberty?"

"uh-huh." Chandler replied kind of freaked out. "How did you know that?"

"It's textbook." Roger replied while eating a cookie.

The door to the coffee house opened and in walked Joey and Mr Tribbiani, his dad.

"Hey, you guys." Joey greeted the group. "You all know my dad."

"Hey, how long you in the city?" Monica asked.

"Just for a couple of days. I got a job midtown." Mr Tribbiani replied. "I figured staying with the kid is better than hauling my ass back and forth on a ferry."

"I don't know this one." Mr Tribbiani said while pointing at Roger.

"Oh. This is my friend Roger." Phoebe said.

"Hi." Roger greeted the man and shook his hand.

"Hey, good to meet you, Roger. What happened to the puppet guy?" Joey's dad asked.

"Dad. Dad." Joey said in a warning tone.

"Oh, Oh. Excuse me." He apologised.

"So, Ross how's the wife?" Mr Tribbiani asked but Ross let out a groan and sunk himself into Chandler's shoulder.

"Two for two, huh?" Mr tribbiani said. "Uh, Ash, Joey said you found yourself a nice italian man. How's he treating ya?"

What joey didn't know was that Jack and Ashley had broken up an hour ago due to Jack wanting to pursue a career in singing but Ashley couldn't afford to travel with him on his tours because of the fact she worked in a laundromat.

Ashley lifted a pillow of the chair she had been sitting on and sunk her face into it.

"Wow. Three for three. Chandler, quick say something funny." The older man said.

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