First Date; Patricia and Damien

Start from the beginning

Damien drove us to the club with a jeep that he borrowed from one of his friends'. The club was located in the downtown area of the city, but thankfully not in one of the bad areas, it was in one of the good areas of downtown. 

Damien parked the jeep behind a building and lead me into an alleyway. In the alleyway, there was a flight of stairs that was next to the building. And there was light coming from there along with the sound of music. Damien has us go down the stairs to a door where the loud music was coming from. He then opens the door and we enter the underground club. There was what looks like a skating ramp and a couple of railings covered with black leather. On the upper level of the place, there was a stage with speakers and a DJ booth. On the other side of the club on the lower level, there was a bar. Everyone, both humans and furries, were on the dance floor having a great time. 

"Did this place use to be a skate park or something?" I ask Damien loudly since the music was pretty loud. 

"Yeah, this place used to be an indoor skate park before the previous owner went out of business. But then this place was bought by the new owner 10 years ago and is now a club," Damien tells me as he guides me down the stairs.

"Ah, I see," I mutter to myself. 

We make it to the bottom level when we heard someone calling Damien. 

"Yo! Damien!" We turn and see another black cat but with blue eyes instead of green eyes like Damien, and his hair/fur was up in a mohawk with green streaks on the sides. 

"Hey, J-Man!" Damien's face lights up as he greets his friend. 

The two give each other a bro hug and laugh together. 

"I didn't expect you to be comin' tonight man," Damien says. 

"Well when you guys mentioned that you were comin' here I just couldn't resist, so I was able to negotiate with my boss and have me workin' Saturday instead of Friday," The cat, or J-Man as Damien called him, explains himself. 

Then his blue eyes set on me, "Who's your lady friend here?"

Damien turns to me with a smile and wraps his arm on my shoulders and pulls me close to him. "This here is Patricia, my date."

"Oh hold up!" A female calico cat steps forward, "this wouldn't happen to be the famous Patricia we heard all about right?"

"Yep, this is the one," Damien chuckles. 

So he's talked about me to his friends? I don't know why but I felt flattered by that. 

"Hello," I greet them, "it's nice to meet you all."

"It's nice to meet the famous Patricia our bro has kept talkin' about," J-Man extended his paw to me, which I place my hand in his and shake, "Mm, you are finer than he said you are."

I felt Damien's arm tighten around me and he gives his friend a warning look, "Watch it man, we may be tight but that doesn't give you the right to touch what belongs to me."

J-Man chuckles and raises his hands in defeat, "Alright man, I'm layin' off. Hey, we were just about to go dancin' when we spotted you, come on and join us."

The group cheers and heads for the dance floor, however, I stay rooted on the spot. 

Damien turns to me and his expression changes to concern, "Patricia, you alright?"

Ugh! I dreaded this! I mean I know that Damien told me he was taking me to a club, but I thought, well, mostly hoped, that we were just going to mingle and stuff, not do any dancing which I am terrible at. 

I groan and finally tell Damien, "I...I don't know how to dance."

Damien's eyes widen but then he starts laughing, "That's it?"

"It's not funny!" I snap at him and cross my arms, "I've never danced before in my life."

"Yeah, I kinda figured that, knowin' you and all," Damien snickers. 

I growl lowly at him and glare daggers at him. But Damien just chuckles. 

"Don't worry girl, dancin' is easy, come on," Damien grabs my hand and starts pulling me to the dance floor, "I'll show you."

A new song started playing and couples approach the dance floor, or those who were already there, and they all start dancing together. I recognized the song as 'Nobody' by Keith Sweat and Athena Cage. 

Damien leads us to the middle of the dance floor and pulls me close to him. 

"Alright, now first, we're gonna start movin' those dainty hips of yours," Damien instructs as he grabs my hips and starts swaying them side to side. 

I felt nervous as Damien guides my body. I'm scared that I might mess up and embarrass myself in front of all these people I don't know. 

"Hey, look at me," I do as Damien says and look into his emerald green eyes, "don't worry about everyone around us, just focus on me, and pretend like we're the only people in the room."

As I kept staring into Damien's eyes, I start to feel more and more comfortable. And like he said, it was like we were the only people in the room. 

"Alright, now start stompin' your back heel, and make sure to do it along with the beat," Damien instructs. 

I listen to the music and start stomping my back heel along with the drumbeat in the song. 

"Great, now lift your arms up and bring em' down slowly," Damien instructs. 

I lift my arms into the air as he says and bring them down very slowly. As I did so, my hands slowly land on Damien's shoulders and slide down his chest, which causes him to purr with delight. Then as the song moves to the next chorus, Damien spins me around and now my back is pressed against his chest. Then he starts moving our bodies back and forth along with the beat. I actually start to get the hang of it and start moving on my own. Damien releases me momentarily and lets me dance. I can't believe it! I'm actually dancing. I smile as I dance along to the music. I turn my head to him and sees that he's smiling at me too. Then he grabs my hand and spins me around again into his chest. I silently laugh as the two of us continue to dance together. 

And the two of us continue to dance the night away. 


It was now 1 a.m., and thankfully I don't have work tomorrow since it's the weekend. Damien drove me home and walks me to my door. The two of us were still laughing and chuckling after that great time we had together. 

"Oh, I don't remember the last time I had this much fun," I sigh with exhaustion. 

"Probably before you became a teacher," Damien jokes, which makes us both laugh. 

I calm myself down and face Damien with a grateful smile on my lips, "Damien, I want to thank you for showing me a great time. You've made my first date really memorable."

A genuine smile arises on his lips and he takes a step closer. "It was my absolute pleasure, girl." 

Then he leans down and presses his lips against mine. I close my eyes and kiss him back. He presses me against my door and presses his knee between my legs. I moan in pleasure and tighten my grip on Damien's shirt. I can also hear him purring again. It makes it should I say it? Sexy. 

Until finally we pull apart and catch our breaths. We slip our hands away from each other and Damien takes a tiny step backward. 

"Well, I'll see you later then," Damien says. 

"Yeah, you too," I said then pull out my key and unlock the door. 

Before I close the door and lock it, I tell Damien goodnight then shut the door. 

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