Chapter 9: aftermath

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After the battle is ended. previously on Italica. when Swanick is carrying Rory, he got himself slapped, which in the end hurts his eyes. so he and his team decided to go back to the Formal mansion for a negotiation on the hostage and signing up a treaty.

Pina: Me pleading to the enemy for mercy!? the imperial princess!? if they demand to surrender the city, I'll have to plead for mercy-. (Pina thought herself, as she is seeing the Tyranid.)

Hamilton: To show your appreciation for your assistance here. we'd like to negotiate fair and equitable compensation. article 2 is regarding all envoys, as well as their expenses, and article 3 is regarding the trade privileges with shopkeepers on Alnus hill. however we would like to make it clear, we have the right to possess the right of the captive. (She said as she reads the paper.)

Licto 922: However we don't want to interfere with local customs, but we want you to at least treat the prisoners humanely. that's fine with us, as we only need 3-5 persons for intel gathering.

Lelei: We understand that human resources are necessary for Italica's recovery. however, they want to assure that the captive is treated well, yes. (She repeats Licto's words as a translator for the tyranid.)

Hamilton: treated well?

Lelei: Like a friend or a relative, like someone familiar. not treated as animals.

Hamilton: would friends and relatives attack and plunder this peaceful city of Italica?!

Lelei: this is their requirement.

Hamilton: very well then. this is all regarding the treatment of the captive. the rest is the objection to the withdrawal of the troops.

Lelei: No objection, has it been written.

Hamilton looks at Pina, and she nodded.

Hamilton: then the terms have been agreed upon. (she said, as she begins handing the letter to the tyranid, in order for them to sign it.)

The policy on the paper was written.

1. The Tyranids can choose any 3-5 captives from the battle, to take them with. all profits gained from the chosen captives and rights over their treatment solely to the Tyranids. furthermore clan Formal and the Empire promise to refrain from cruel treatment to the captives during restraint.

2.As a sign of gratitude towards the Tyranid reinforcements, Clan Formal and Imperial Princess Pina Co Lada will ensure safety during travel and stay of a meditating delegation between the two factions of the Tyranids and the Emperor and the Senate. furthermore, the size of the delegation and share of expenses is decided through consultation, but a minimum of 100 Suwannee is to be burdened by the Countess and Princess.

3.The Alnus living community under the guardianship of the Tyranid is now exempted from all taxes raised on trading and money exchange within the city of Italica and all other areas within the rule of countess Formal.

4. As soon as the agreements above take effect, the Tyranids under the hive are to leave the county without taking any of the resident's wealth, except for the captives agreed on, as soon as possible. however, the Alnus living community and small groups contacted, for service are to be given safe passage through the lands under the rule of Countess Formal.

5.This agreement is valid for 1 year. it automatically renews itself unless objected to by both parties.

Sign Countess Myui of Formal.

The legal guardian has sworn on Imperial Princess Pina Co Lada's name, 3th of the fog-month, year 687 imperial calendar.

The letters end here.

Gate: thus the Tyranid fought there (Crackfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن