Chapter 5: evacuation

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Swanick begins to get the rope and told Number 2 and Geck 388 and Shulka to hold the rope for him. he begins to go deeper to the well, and grab the survivor. this one is living after all and the sole survivor of her village. then Swanick begins to emerge from the well, as the three of the tyranids begin to pull the rope further, and then Swanick begins to give her to the two genestealer for medical examination, as this elf need it. yet they use some tau medical equipment, as imperium ones are nasty ones to use and bad quality and yes medical stuff seems to be something that was out of a tyranid league and mind because tyranid don't know that concept either.

Shulka: it seems like she is still alive, and her body temperature seems to be lower. (Shulka said as he begins to put

Zenor: maybe we had something special for her to wear in the base. but still, let's keep her cloth like this.

Deleted scene

Shulka: well it looks like we should change her clothes later on once we go back to base. maybe we could dress her up as a craftworld eldar or an exodites.

Zenor: I don't think that's a good idea. you don't want the imperium of man to go nuts about this show and eldar would krump us so badly because they thought we held their kind hostage to become an actor of this show or that there is much of their kind are in this planet!

Shulka: you know what once we are on Alnus base, I could dress her up as a howling banshee or a farseer. oh, I could try giving her some of those fancy eldar outfits just to replace that wet outfit of her.

Zenor: What the hell you are thinking! this could cause way too much problem and controversy if we dress her up as an eldar, and you don't want some craftworder bastard to make us in trouble and something else. oh, wait they don't give a shit on this stuff because it will make them immature. well then I don't think we should dress her up as any craftworlder, but we have fresh clothing of exodites minus their spirit stone and armor that could cover our track then, which is based on the hivemind order.

Shulka: well then at least we have some unfancy and regular exodites outfit. so least this could be her outfit that replaces her wet ones. without its armor and spirit stone, then this could keep the tyranid tracks covered.

Zenor: well then I think the decision is made, that she will be dressed as an exodites later on. (the two genestealer said as Shulska begin to dismount from the maleceptor and rush towards his superior.)

This is a deleted scene, that has appeared so damn rare on physical record like DVD or blu ray. that the hivemind better covers this shit up, due to the problem of the public image. yet this scene will one day be available somehow but only a few people are able to watch this scene.

Deleted scene end.

Meanwhile at the burned settlement.

Geck 388: aaaaaah an eldar! not just any eldar but we find this one is an exodite. Now that is the kind of thing I expected to find out here! we hit the jackpot baby.

Swanick: so your into eldar now?

Suddenly Shulka begins to rush towards his superior, to announced some change about the elf and what happened to her, and what to do with her now.

Shulka: excuse me, sir.

Swanick: so how's she doing?

Shulka: her tempts are back to normal she is no longer in critical condition.

Swanick: that's good to hear.

Shulka: so how do you like to proceed?

Swanick: no way we could leave her here. she had lost her village. we classified her as a refugee and take her with us.

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