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007 ⎯⎯ tame



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"I said I'm sorry."

"Doesn't change the fact this is your fucking fault."

"Please don't be mad."

"Shut the fuck up."

Y/N glanced over to where the blonde was seated, a frown in her face. Ever since he was put in detention Bakugou had been either ignoring her or reminding her how much she was to blame. 


Bakugou turned the other direction, scowling. He was mad, or was trying to be. He knew if he turned to look at her he'd crack and have to apologize. And there was no way he was doing that. 

But still... 

The blonde glanced over to the ghost. Y/N was fiddling with her fingers, her eyebrows knitted together. Her normally bright happy eyes were filled with sadness and distress. Sighing, Bakugou spun around. 

"This isn't...entirely your fault." He muttered the last words, looking to the ground. Y/N jumped forward, her face inches from Bakugou's. 

"Does this mean you're not mad?" The blonde tried to pull his eyes from her's, failing. "I guess..." 


Y/N engulfed the boy in a hug, her face lighting up. Bakugou stiffened under the girl's touch, slowly lifting his hand to her back. 

Y/N sat back, smiling. "I was worried you be super mad at me." Bakugou rolled his eyes, moving the ghost off him. "Whatever." He turned to face the front of the classroom, waiting to go home.


"We're back!!!"

Y/N beamed as the two entered the dorms, Bakugou having finally been released from detention. "Oh! What're you making?" Y/N floated over to the kitchen where Sero and Todoroki were cooking. 

Bakugou watched as she went, turning to the couch. "Bakubro! Come here!" Kaminari waved. The blonde rolled his eyes taking a seat on the couch beside Kirishima.

"Where were you two?" The redhead questioned, looking up from his phone. Kaminari chuckled, "Didn't you hear? Goldilocks got detention." Bakugou rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone. Both Kaminari and Kirishima froze, watching the blonde's reaction. 

"Um dude." 

"Yeah I know." 

"That's crazy." 

Kirishima nodded, him and Kaminari making eye contact. "I think Y/N managed to tame Bakugou." They said in unison. 

At this, the blonde raise his head, a growl escaping his lips. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY-" 

"Katsuki! We're having soba tonight! The foods ready!" Y/N waved from the kitchen, smiling brightly. Bakugou froze, turning to the ghost. "I don't care-" 

"Cmon! It'll taste really good!" She cheered. 

Bakugou sighed, watching the ghost. She went around the table setting up napkins and utensils, Todoroki close behind, moving the forks and knives to the correct spots. 

Groaning, the blonde stood, making his way over to the happy ghost. "You're doing it wrong." He showed her how to set up the utensils, Y/N watching intensely. Kirishima and Kaminari watched the two, smiling to themselves. 

The redhead turned to his friend, grinning. "He's totally tame."

↳ [Edited]
Okay but the last scene is so cute for some reason

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