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Bakugou sat up at the sound of his alarm, rubbing his head. He clicked off his phone and turned to get out of bed, his eyes landing on a certain ghost. She was curled up into a ball, his shirt clinging loosely to her body. 

The blonde sat still, afraid to move and risk waking up the girl. A light red spread across his cheeks as he watched the girl sleep. The longer he stared at her the more the heat in his cheeks grew.

After a few moments he was finally able to pull himself away and began to get ready for school. The boy pulled on his uniform and stepped out of the room, silently.



Y/N sat up, rubbing her eyes. She looked around the room, searching for the angry blonde. "Katsuki?" The ghost stood from the bed, phasing through the wall of the room. 

She wandered into the common area to find several students pulling on their shoes, shoving books into their back packs, and stuffing their faces with breakfast. 

Y/N floated over to where Midoriya and Todoroki were sitting. "Izuku, Sho? Do you know where Katsuki is?" She questioned, lacing her fingers behind her back. Todoroki looked up, a small smile spreading across his face at the sight of Bakugou's shirt on the girl.

"He's over there."

The ghost followed Todoroki's finger to where he was pointing, finding Bakugou pulling on his shoes by the door. "Thanks!" She beamed, waving as she walked over to the blonde. 


The blonde glanced over his shoulder, his eyes falling on the happy ghost. Y/N appeared beside him, smiling. "Where are you going?" She questioned, watching as the boy laced his shoes.


Y/N tilted her head a bit, her face lighting up. "I wanna go to school too! Let me come to school!" She clapped her hands, jumping up and down. 

Bakugou placed a hand over the ghost's face, ensuring they couldn't make eye contact. "You're not coming. You stay here." He threw his bag over his shoulder, glaring to the girl. Y/N stuck out her lip in a pout, crossing her arms.


"No. You're not coming, don't make me repeat myself."

Students began to exit the building, shooting Y/N glances of pity. The ghost sat back, her lips pursing. She vanished, leaving the blonde in the doorway.

"That was kinda cruel Bakugou." Kaminari slipped on his shoes, walking over to the explosive teen. Bakugou shrugged his shoulders. 

"I don't care. She's just a ghost."

↳ [Edited]

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