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004 ⎯⎯ night night



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lots more fluff !


Y/N searched the common area for the blonde, her brows furrowed. The students had just finished dinner and Bakugou had disappeared, leaving the ghost behind.

Floating to the kitchen, Y/N appeared upside down above Uraraka and Kirishima who were washing dishes. "Kiri? Do you know where Katsuki is?"

The red head looked up from the sink, tilting his head. "He's probably in his room getting ready for bed, he goes to sleep really early." He explained, smiling to the ghost.

Y/N's face lit up, "Thanks!" She vanished, reappearing outside of the blonde's dorm. She phased through the door, finding Bakugou lying on his bed. She vanished once again, reappearing floating above the blonde.


Bakugou looked away from his phone, meeting eyes with the girl. "Why the hell are you in here? You're staying with Racoon eyes."

Y/N shook her head, her hair falling forwards. "I want to stay with you." She pouted. Bakugou stared into the girl's eyes, hesitant to pull away.

"Fine." he grumbled, turning over, "You're sleeping on the floor."

Y/n nodded, setting her feet on the ground again. She turned to Katsuki's back, staring at his shirt. She sighed, turning back to examine the room. The girl's eyes landed on the dresser and she made her way over to it.

Pulling open a drawer, her eyes landed on an old t-shirt. It was black with a cartoon skull on it. Y/N smiled, an idea popping into her head. She slipped off her white dress, letting it fall to the floor, and pulled on the shirt.

Y/N looked down to the shirt. It was way to big and fell off her shoulder, the sleeves down to her elbows. The shirt was almost like a dress, reaching a few inches above her knees.

"Katsuki!" The ghost spun to show the blonde her new outfit only to find him snoring peacefully on the bed. Y/N cocked her head, walking over to the bed she climbed over the boy so she was sitting on the other side of it.

Y/N watched the blonde's chest rise and fall, small snores echoing through the room. For once he looked...calm.

The girl leaned forwards, reaching out to touch the blonde. She settled beside him, stroking her fingers through his fluffy hair. A sad smile spread across her face as she watched Bakugou sleep.

"Night night Katsuki."

↳ [Edited]
Ughh this book is gonna hurt

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