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Y/N beamed, floating above Bakugou's bed. Last night he had allowed the ghost to stay in his room, giving her a new shirt to wear. 

"Katsuki! Wake up! It's time for school!" She cheered, setting her feet on the bed. She sat on the blonde's stomach, poking his cheeks. 


Bakugou slapped her hand away, sitting up, and in the process, throwing Y/N to the floor. "Oww..." The girl groaned, rubbing her back. Bakugou rubbed his bed head, standing from the bed. 

"You're not going." 


"You're not going to school." 

"What! But I want to! Please I wanna be with you!" Y/N whined, jumping up from the floor. Bakugou turned to face the ghost, sighing. He set a hand on her head, looking her in the eye.

"Stay here, I'll be back soon." Y/N's eyes fell and she  slowly nodded. She raised her head, giving a sad smile. "I'll stay here and wait for you." With that Y/N vanished, Bakugou sighing. 

He ran his fingers through his hair. For some reason, his heart hurt a lot right now. Seeing Y/N upset because of something he said- it made him wish he'd never opened his stupid mouth.


Y/N reappeared in Bakugou's room after he left, sitting on his bed criss cross. She looked around the room for something to do. After searching for a bit she came to a conclusion. 

"I want to be with Katsuki." 

The girl rolled off the bed and onto the floor. She laid her cheek on the carpet, humming to herself. Staring at the ground, Y/N noticed something poking out from underneath the blonde's bed. She sat up, pulling the box out. 

"Are these.....books?"


Bakugou pushed open the door to his room, shrugging off his backpack. 


Y/N jumped the boy, wrapping her arms and legs around his torso. A small smile pulled at the blonde's lips as he rubbed the ghost's back. 

The truth was he was worried about the girl all day. So much so that he couldn't focus in class or training, now that he was back he took a sigh of relief. 

"What the hell did you do all day?" He pulled the ghost off him, scanning his room. His eyes landed on his bed where a pile of manga was scattered. 


"I found those under your bed! I've been reading them!" She grabbed a book from the bed, holding it up. "This ones my favorite! Toilet bound Hanako-kun! They're just like us!" She beamed. 

Bakugou clenched his fists, a bright red spreading over his cheeks. "Katsuki? What's wrong?" The blonde covered his face, walking out the room. "I'll be right back." 

"Huh? Katsuki?"

↳ [Edited]
If y'all didn't know,
it's canon that Katsuki reads romance manga

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