Pregnancy scandal

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Mark POV
I am finally going back to school. It's already Wednesday , I hope I didn't miss anything important. I texted y/n and asked her if she wanted me to pick her up but she never answered me. So I'll just walk to school.

I see y/n ahead of me as I'm walking. " Hey y/n." I scream as I walk up to her. She ignores me. " Hello." I say waving my hand in front of her. She still ignores me. " Did I do something, I'm not understanding." I ask. " why don't you go ask amber so she can help you understand." She finally replies to me and walks off to Jackson.

As soon as she said the name "Amber" I knew something was bad. I walk into first period and sit next to y/n. She gets out of her seat and sits by herself. Bambam better not be skipping with amber again. I'm trying to think about what I possibly could've done , but I can't remember anything from the party. Is she mad because I got drunk? But that has nothing to do with amber. Ughh, this is so confusing.

I walk into 2nd period looking for Jackson. Maybe he'll know what I did that was so bad. I sit next to him. " Hey, Jackson." I say. " Wassup." He says in a dull tone. Well at least he isn't ignoring me. " Do you know what is wrong with y/n. I seem to have done something, but I don't know what I did." I tell him. He stares at me like I'm the stupidest person in the world. He then sighs and rubs his temples. " you know what, whatever you and y/n got going on is none of my business. But don't sit there and act so oblivious to what you did. Cause if you aren't grateful for her then I will gladly take her off your hands." He says. I just stare at him. What the hell is going on.

" But, it's not like she'll take me anyway." He mutters. " what?" I ask. " ugh, I confessed my feelings to y/n on Monday." He sighs. " Well what did she say." I ask. He looks deep into my souls with some sort of hatred. " She said she likes me as a friend. "Oh." I say trying to hide my relief.


I walk to my table and see jack and bambam. " Where were you all day." I ask. "Oh, I slept in." He says. I look around for y/n but I can't find her. I walk up to Amber. " Hey, where's y/n." I ask. " I have no idea." She says. I roll my eyes and walk out into the hallway I know y/n is gonna be at.

I see her eating her lunch by herself. " What are you doing here." I ask. " I'm obviously ignoring you and amber , so can you just leave." She says, going back to eating her food. I sit down next to her. " Can you just tell me what I did, cause I don't remember anything from the party." I ask. She sighs.

" Did you and amber have sex." She asks me. " Definitely not, is that what she told you , that we had sex." I ask her. She looks up at me with teary eyes. "Yeah, and it makes sense because I saw you two go upstairs together." She says. Did I have sex with her. " I don't remember a lot of the night , but I can almost guarantee you that we did not have sex." I say. "Almost." She says with a straight face. I ignore what she says. " Can you please come to the cafeteria and stop stressing about impossible things." I ask her. She sighs and gets up.

Me and mark walk into the cafeteria together. Right before we sit down at the table , amber gets on top of a table. " Now that everyone is here , I would like to announce to everybody that I am pregnant. And the father is Mark Tuan.

Me and mark look at each other. She can't be serious. She walks up to us. " So mark, any words you would like to say." She asks. " How is the child mine, I don't even like you. " he say annoyed. " well when we were at the party you seemed to say otherwise. You should really be careful when you're drunk, or you might get people knocked up." Amber says. " You're crazy." He says. " Are you gonna give proof that the child is his or not." I ask. She giggles and pulls a pregnancy test out.

Mark takes it and reads it. He looks up at me. " It's positive." He says. " That doesn't say anything about him being the father. You could've gotten anyone to pee on a stick." I say . " Why would I go through all that trouble." She says. " Bacause it's you Amber, don't act like you weren't just threatening me. " I say. " I have no idea what you're talking about." She says smiling.

Mark turn to me and jack. " it makes sense though, the last thing I remember is being with amber. And you said that we walked upstairs together." He says. " so did y'all fuck or not, make up your mind." I say. He sighs. "Y/n, I don't know. Before I say anything else amber comes close to me. " I told you I would win, black bitch." She whispers . I've had enough of this.

I punch amber in the face making her fall to the ground. " Mark!!." She yells. " That's what you get , you piece of shit." I say going down to punch her more. Before I can get at least 5 punches in, Mark grabs me off of her. " Let me go." I scream. "What is wrong with you." He screams at me. He never did that. " what do you mean, she's the one calling me a black bitch. And she's obviously lying about the pregnancy." I scream back. " ok so what if she isn't lying. That means you just beat up the mother of my child." He screams back. " Whatever, I'm done trying to defend you." I say walking away.

Bambam pov
I walk into the cafeteria to see y/n screaming at mark and walking away in my direction. " what happened" I ask. " Mark got Amber pregnant at the party." Y/n says in a dull tone. I sit and think for a second. " Wait!!" I scream , making all eyes go on me. " I have proof that Mark is not amber's baby daddy." I say. " And what exactly is that." Amber ask. I walk closer to her. " At the party you were basically raping him until I came in the door." I say scowling at her. " ok, what proof do you have." She says smirking.

I take out my phone and connect it to the projector in the cafeteria. The whole school eyes go wide as they watch amber control mark as he begs for y/n. Now thinking about it I feel bad that I didn't do anything. But at least everyone knows the truth. " Turn that off." Amber screams with wide eyes. I turn it off looking at mark.

" You lying bitch. I was about to risk my friendships for that kid. I can't believe this. If you weren't a girl I would beat your ass right now." Mark says. Y/n raises her hand chirping up. " I'll do it for you." But before she could do anything, Jackson was holding her back.

" Markie don't believe bambam, he photoshopped it." She says. " I'm filling a report for assaulting me." Mark says ignoring her. " Whatever, have fun with that ugly whore." She says walking away.

Mark POV

I look over to y/n. She rolls her eyes at me. " I'm sorry for not believing you." I say. " I told you , but nobody wants to listen to me." She says. " I know, I was just trying to do the right thing." I say. She nods. " I know , and that's why we're friends." She says coming in for a hug.  I took in her vanilla scent. The hug was the best hug of my life. Until the two idiots joined in screaming.

At house

" you can find something to eat, I need to change real quick." Mark says. I look for food but can't find anything, so I just go upstairs. As soon as I walk in the room the bathroom door opens. And I am know 1 inch away from a shirtless mark. I don't even have time to look at his body, because his eyes are staring into my soul.

" I'm sorry." I whisper looking down. " It's ok, and what did I tell you about not looking at me when you speak." He whispers lifting up my chin. We stare at each other in silence. " Umm, I should back up." I say trying to move away.

But before I know it , his lips are on mine.

Yes I'm leaving hall on a cliffhanger 👹. Things are gonna get a little spicy in the next chapter. This is my longest chapter yet. Hope y'all like it.

I can't without you - Mark Tuan ambw ff حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن