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Jackson has been acting weird all day. Even weirder than usual. He's been following me to every class even though we don't have the same classes. But I'll just ignore it for now.

" alright I'm this way , so I'll se you at lunch." I say to Jackson. " ok. I'll save you a spot next to me. Bye" Jackson says smiling and walking away. I walk into the classroom to see mark listening to his music again. I have no idea where bambam is (probably skipping) so I just sit next to mark.

" Hey Mark, have you seen bambam today." I ask and mark rolls his eyes. " He's probably skipping with amber again, they never come to this class." He says annoyed. " wow, I didn't even know amber was in this class." I say chuckling a little bit. " yeah, that should tell you something. I don't rlly care that she's skipping , I just don't want bambam following after her.
I don't care how much he likes her, if he gets caught I'm going to laugh in his face." Mark says, looking worried for bambam.

" wait a minute, rewind that. What did you just say." I ask with my mouth hanging. " If he gets caught I'm gonna laugh in his face?" Mark tilts his head looking at me. " No the other thing."
I say. " I don't care how much he likes her?" He questions again. " Since when did bambam like amber?." I ask. " ohhh, he liked her even before me and amber started dating, but I didn't know." Mark says nodding. " Dang mark out here stealing girls from his bsf." I say sarcastically. " yeah, ok." Mark laughs and puts his head down so I can't see his blushing face. Before I could say anything about it , the teacher came in.

" Everyone don't forget that your project is due this Friday." He says and me and mark sigh in unison.

" Hey y/n I saw you and Jackson walking together in the halls." Amber says raising her eyebrows as i sit at the table. " why are you making that face, we were just walking to class together." I say confused. " yeah, and walking to class together leads to kissing in the hallways." Taylor chimes in and starts making kissing faces. " You guys are weird." I say laughing. " I would never do that , especially not with Jackson." I say looking back at Jackson's table and we lock eye contact. ( is that why he's been acting so weird?) " yeah, yeah let me know when the wedding is." Amber play rolls her eyes.

" y/n I thought you were gonna sit with us, remember I saved a seat for you." Jackson says while grabbing my hand lightly. " oh yeah." I say. " Told Ya!" Amber screams while jack guides me to the table. I sit next to him and in front of mark.

" Hey" I say. " y/n do you have anything to do later today , I'm craving donuts. We should get some later." Bambam says. " Sorry, I can't. Me and mark have a project due this Friday and we only have 1 part done." I say in an apologetic way. " Lately it seems like you an mark are better friends than us." Jack says pouting. " Yeah that's because she doesn't want to hang out with idiots who skip half of their classes." Mark remarks. I laugh a little. " yeah he's got a point, bambam if you are in class we probably would've been parters. And Jackson you'd rather spend time with me than going to class which makes you late." I say looking at the both of them. Bambam just side eyes mark. " y/n that rlly hurt my feelings, isn't good that I want to spend time with you." He says pulling on my arm. I turn my head acting like I can't hear him.

" Anyway. Can we go to your house to do the project. My parents have to go to one of my brothers games." I say to mark. " Yeah sure." Mark nods.

Mark's House
Mark POV

Me and y/n walked together to my house for our project. I unlocked the door and let her in. " You can just put your shoes over there." I say locking the door behind me. I look up to see my mom. ( I could've sworn she was at work)

" Hey mark, who's your friend." She says raising her eyebrows. " She's just my parter, stop looking at me like that." I say trying not to laugh. Y/n walks up to shake my mom's hand. " Hi, Mrs.Tuan. I am Y/n mark's science partner. It's nice to meet you and I hope I'm not a burden." I watch as y/n speak in amazement. She speaks so different when around adults. " ohh, no need to be like that, any friend of mark's is a friends of me." My mom says making y/b chuckle.

"Anyway, I thought you weren't going to be home tonight." I say. " Why are you asking, do you not want me here. It seems like your girlfriend is enjoying my company." My mom says with a smirk. I feel my face getting heated when I see y/n's reaction. " Umm, Mrs. Tuan we are just friends." Y/n mumbles with her face down.

" Whatever, we're going up stairs." I say letting y/n walk up first.


I am now waiting for mark to finish in his bathroom. I hear the door open and turn around. He walks through the door , pulling a white tank top down and I see a glimpse of his body. My eyes slightly widen trying to avoid eye contact with him. " Hey y/n you ok." He says moving his hand in front of my face. " oh yeah I'm fine." I say getting back on track.

1 hour later and we are typing in our essay portion of the project. I look over at mark to see him with glasses on. " I dint know you had glasses." I say breaking the silence in the room. "Yeah, but I don't wear them to school." He says not looking away from the scream and his fingers still typing. " oh, well they're cute." I say without thinking. He turns to look at me and smiles. " Thank you." He says. ( That was even cuter.)

Im bored out of my mind and I can't think of anything to write. I look over at mark to see what he is typing. I scan the screen, but then something catches me off guard. (HIS HANDS!!) I'm just now realizing how huge his hands are. With every time his finger moves to type, I can see his veins flexing. Staying to the topic of mark, I start examining him.

His nose bridge is so perfect. And he has a mole above his beautiful lips. His jawline is so sharp, it's makes his side profile even more great. I can not stress it enough, this man's hair is perfect. Even after a whole day if school and an hour of work, his hair is still in its curls. I look down looking for more features and I get hypnotized. I get hypnotized by his eyes. They look so beautiful. beautiful enough that I could dream in them.

And exactly that happened

I feel something pushing my shoulder repeatedly. I slowly open my eyes to see mark in front of me saying "wake up y/n. I groan and pick my head up , looking around. ( How did I even fall asleep.) " I'm sorry." I mumble. Mark chuckles. " It's fine, but it's getting kind of late. I think we should call it a night." He says. I look at my phone to see it's almost 10:00 pm. " Shit." I say looking at my moms messages. "Yeah, I need to go." " Ok, I'll take you home, it's dark outside." He says and I smile.

I watch houses go by as mark drives. I didn't even know he had a car. I just see him skate to school all the time. We sit in a comfortable silence until he pulls up at my house.  I turn to open the door.  " Thanks for the ride. I-. I get cut off as I turn back to him , to see his face 1 inch away from mine. My heartbeat increases and I can feel his breath on my lips. I try to hold my breath so he can't sense how hard I'm breathing. We keep eye contact until one of us can't take it anymore, like a staring contest. I finally turn away, almost running out of breath. " I was just getting your bag fro you." He pulls my back up showing me. "Oh." I say......." well, bye."

I get out the car and walk to my house until I hear my name being yelled. I walk over to the car and bend down to the window. " Yes?" "Umm, I just wanted to let to know that I consider you as a friend." That whole sentence made me light up. " Really." I say excited. " Yeah." Mark nods with a red tint in his face. " well I consider you a friend too. Bye Mark." I say walking of and I hear him mumble a "bye."

I think this was my longest chapter. Progress is finally being made, they are now friends.

I can't without you - Mark Tuan ambw ff Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang