Boy Toy

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Amber POV
As I am doing my homework I hear my phone ring. Incoming call from Markie. I quickly pick up my phone and answer it. " Hey, Markie." I say excited. " Amber, you need to stop telling people false things." He says with anger behind his voice. " What do you mean, I didn't tell anyone anything." I reply acting innocent. " Don't sit there and lie, y/n told me that you said we were dating. You need to stop or I will cut off all communications with you." He says. (That Bitch) " Markie idk what you're taking about, have you even thought about the fact that y/n might be lying to you." I say. " Whatever amber, goodbye."

Well that didn't go as planned, she was supposed to stay away from him. She is always ruining everything. I will never get to mark with her in the way." I gasp as a great idea interrupts my thinking.

Next day

" Hey Jackson, I need you to do me a favor." I wave Jackson over to me. " What is it." He says. " well you see... I'm trying to get y/n a boyfriend and you seem interested in her. So I was wondering if you would like to form and alliance." I say as his eyes brighten. " Go on." He says trying to keep a straight face. " So basically all you have to do is be your normal self, just flirt with her more than you usually do. And do anything she wants you to do. As long as you can win over her heart. " I say. Jackson raises an eyebrow " so basically I'm her boy toy." " If you want to say that , then sure."  "Okay!" He says pleased and he walks away. " oh and Jackson make sure you keep me updated." I yell. " Sure thing amber."


Me amber and Taylor sit at our table eating lunch. " So amber are you and mark really dating , cause he told me that you guys aren't." I ask hesitantly. " oh yeah about that, I guess I misread the situation." She says shyly and scratched her neck. " yeah amber has a reputation for misreading situations when it comes to mark." Taylor jokes. We laugh as amber gives Taylor a weird look.

" Y/N!" I hear my name being screamed from the other side of the cafeteria. I turn to see Jackson waving me over to his table. " Go see what he wants." Amber says to me smiling. I walk over to the table hesitantly.

" Hey." I say. Everyone replies except for mark. I guess he is mad at me for walking out in him. "Come sit next to me." Jackson says patting the seat next to him. " Hey mark, I'm sorry for walking out on you yesterday. I talked to amber and she said she misread the situation." I say putting my head down. " It's ok." He says. " But I'm still kind of mad at you for taking about amber like that." I say. " If you're gonna confront me at lest look up at me." He says as I glance at him. " Hey, what did mark say about amber." Bambam chimes in being defensive. " Noting it's not important." I say.

" So you guys are friends now." Jackson asks me touching my shoulder. Before I can say anything mark talks. " we are on our way to being friends." He says looking at me. I look at him smiling. " Yeah, well I'll still be the better friend." Jackson winks out me. " sure Jackson." I say chuckling.

" whatever, all I know is that I'm the best looking." Jackson rolls his eyes. " Actually I think me and y/n would make a pretty cute couple. Our babies would be cute." Jackson winks at me and I just laugh. I look around to see bambam and mark looking at him weirdly. " Are you ok jack." Bambam ask. " I'm completely fine as long as I get to see y/n's beautiful face." Jackson then puts his arm around me. Mark's face is now red. " Hey Jackson leave her alone and stop being so obvious." Mark says. Jackson puts his hand away.

Mark POV
Jackson is acting weird towards y/n today and I don't like it. I know bambam said that jack likes y/n, but I don't think he was serious.

I'm at home doing my homework when I hear someone ring my doorbell. I walk down the stairs thinking I'm about to see jack or bam. But I am greeted with the last thing I wanted to see today.

" Hey Markie!" She says. " Don't call me that , and why are you at my house." I say with a straight face. " I just wanted to apologize to you upfront. I really did misread the situation between us." She says. " yeah sure, is that all." I say  " Umm.. I was wondering if we could go on a date. Before you say no, I just want you to know that I am deeply sorry for everything that happened when we were dating. So can I have a second chance." Amber pleads. I close my eyes and nod. " Amber before I give you my answer I have one thing to say. Come here." I wave her towards me. " If you were ever sorry , you wouldn't have started the rumor." I whisper in her ear and slam the door on her.

I sigh and walk upstairs to continue my homework

I'm trying so hard not to get mad at the character I made and just kill her off or something

Anyway jay b is finally in a "scandal"
He went on live yesterday and there were photos of naked women on his wall💀

But people are making it seem worst than it it actually is. He is a grown man, let him live his life

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