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I look out the window to see a car pull up in the curbside of my house and head down the stairs. " Hey everyone, my friend is taking me to school today, so I'll see you guys. She's waiting outside. ". I say hugging Sidney( your brother.) " Alright byeeeee." Everyone says in sync.

I walk towards amber's car seeing bambam waving at me and I wave back. " I love your outfit y/n. Who are you showing off for." Amber says easing her eyebrows. " Nobody, I just naturally look good." I say posing before I get into the car.  We all laugh " Here you go y/n." Bambam hands me an iced coffee. " Thx bam, I'll make sure to pay you back.

Amber POV

"I bet she's showing off for mark. As if he would even pay attention to her. I know he still likes me , I just have to take precautions and get her out the way." I think to myself.

Mark POV

I see bambam and his group of friends walk into the school like they own the place. I don't even know why he likes amber, if he knew why we broke up then he probably wouldn't be with her. But I'll let him find out himself. As they walk through the halls I noticed the aura is a bit different. I see a shorter girl walking with them. Ohhh, it's the girl from the skatepark... wow she made friends really quick. I envy her.


I walk in the class, all eyes on me. " you're late y/n." The teacher says. " I'm sorry mr. smith I'm still getting used to the building." I say nervously smiling. " well then find a seat." He says. I walk to the only open seat to see mark staring at me. I smile at him but he turns away acting like he wasn't just staring at me. "Weird." I mutter under my breath before sitting down.

Mark POV

I stare at y/n as she talks to the teacher. I notice she has faint dimples when she smiles. And her skin looks so smooth , I just want to touch it. " what are you talking about mark, get yourself together." I say to myself. As I am staring at her I notice she is smiling at me. I panic and quickly turn around hiding my face. " why does she make  me act like this."

Y/n is now sitting in front of me. I watch her hair as she nods to the teacher. Her curls are so coiled and pretty. I don't usually notice girls with short hair , but she really pulls it off nice. She turns around to me and whispers. " Hey mark, do you have a pen I could borrow , I'll give it back to you at the end of class." She says in a pleading tone. ".... oh, yeah sure , hold on." I dig in my book bag looking for a pen. " here you go, you can keep this one." " thx mark." She says and smiles.

Bell rings
I watch as y/n gets up from her seat and walks off. Her hips swaying with every step she takes.


I walk to the table I see amber and Taylor at. " Hey guys, whatcha talking about." I say sitting down. " Just about Jaime , her boyfriend was flirting with me and I don't know how to tell her. Maybe I shouldn't and let her find out on her own." Amber says. " what do you think she should do y/n." Taylor ask. " it's not really none of my business but I think you should tell her, because if you don't then you're basically entertaining him almost cheating in his gf. " I say to amber. " yeah you're right." He all stay in silence.

" where's bambam at ." I ask. " oh he's with mark and Jackson at the other table." Taylor points to them. " alright I'll be back." I walk towards bambam. " Hey bam." " Hey y/n." He says. " I didn't even know you had other friends besides us." I joke with him. " he's basically friends with the whole school, but we're his best friends." I see a new face tell me.  " by the way I'm Jackson, nice to meet you y/n." He says winking at me. " Eww." Bambam says and I laugh. " nice to meet you to Jackson." I smile

" well here you go." I say to bambam holding out notes. " Thank you so much y/n , you're a life saver." Bambam says and hugs me. " Whatever, next time I figure out you're skipping I'll tell the teacher." I say to him. " wait that's why you weren't in class." Mark says and smacks him in his head. " I told you to stop skipping class with amber, I don't even know why you're still friends with her." He says. I give make a weird face , thinking what he is talking about.

Bambam makes a face also and turns to me hugging me. " I promise I won't skip again, don't be mad at me plssss." Bambam says pouting. " yeah yeah." I play with his hair. " alright let me go , I'm gonna sit with amber and Taylor. Bye everyone." I walk away.

Mark POV
"Since when we're you and y/n so touchy." I say to Bambam. Since she became a better friend than you two dummies." He says  sticking his tongue out. " Do you like her?" I ask . " Fortunately he still likes amber." Jackson says smiling. " yeah whatever. Y/n is like a sister to me."  Bambam says. " why is it fortunate that he likes amber , Jack." I ask trying to stay up to date with everyone. " Cause  Jack here has a crush on y/n." Bambam says teasingly. " how could you not tho , she so pretty, and nice , and pretty." Jackson says. I roll my eyes at them and go back to eating my food. " she is really pretty though." I think to myself.

This is kinda a filler chapter , but it went better than I thought it was gonna go.

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