Kiss and Tell

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Mark POV

I get out of my bed and get ready for the day. As much as I hate school, I'm actually looking forward to today. I haven't seen my friends all weekend and I hate being alone. I feel like the reason I don't have friends is because people think I'm shy , but I'm not. I just don't like these assholes at my school so I mind my own business. But the new girl had drawn my attention. Even though I'm pretty sure she's no different than the rest of them.

" Hey markiepooh." I hear Jackson say as he takes out my headphones. " Hey jack. You should be going the other way. Class is about to start." I say. " uhh, I just wanna skip." I snap my head towards him. " No, you're gonna go to class. I'm not kidding." I stare him down. " Fiine, bye man.

Now here's the deal with my friends. I actually used to have a lot of friends, until I realized how full of shit they were and they all tried to hook up with my girlfriend. Well ex girlfriend. But these too idiots I call jack and bam , have been friends with me since childhood. And even though I know bambam likes my ex, I keep him around. Because one day he'll find out the truth about her. Now I don't like degrading women , but Amber's kind of a bitch.

I sit in class thinking to myself and something catches my attention. Or shall I say someone. Y/n walks in the class with some straight leg jeans , a tight crop top and a flannel that has butterflies on it. She looks... stunning. I've always seen her in oversized shirts so I didn't expect her to be so..... curvy. When I first saw her at the skate park I had so much confidence cause I thought she wasn't from town, but now that I know her. It's hard for me to speak to her daily... so I keep my distance and admire her from afar. From what I heard , she's a really great friend. " Mark.!" My teacher says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I say bringing my head up. " you and y/n will be partners for this assignment. It's a research assignment about our current science unit. So it should be easy if you have been paying attention." He says. I just nod and look back at y/n.

Mark looks back at me and I smile at him. He just stares at me and turns around. I knew he was weird, but I'm starting to think he just doesn't like me.

I walk in the lunch room toward Jackson, bambam, and mark's table. " Hey dorks." I say and their eyes brighten up. " y/n!" They both get up and hug me. " Hey she was my friend first, get off." Bambam says as if he's claiming his territory. " Well she likes me more." Jackson says sticking his tongue out. " Is that true ." Bambam says looking up at me. " Actually I like mark the most." I say making all of their eyes widen and mark makes eye contact with me. " Heyy." They both say and let go off me. " I'm kidding , I like you both equally, ok. But I'm actually here for mark and not you two." I go and sit next to mark.

" So I think we should start the project today, so we can get it done quicker. " He just nods. " umm, we can go to the library together after school." I say trying to not make it awkward. " Yeah , sure." we both just nod and eat our food. " You guys are so awkward." Bambam says. Jackson laughs as mark punches him in the shoulder. " it's ok though, mark is just shy." Jackson says " I'm not shy." Make snears back. That's the loudest I've even heard him speak.

After school

I wait for mark at the entrance of the school. I see him and the other two talking to each other. " alright , bye guys." I hear him say. I just wave  at them as they walk in a different direction.

" Hey." Mark says smiling at me. " Wow, you actually seem kind of nice while speaking to me." He looks at me weird. " No, not like that. It's just every time we speak you seem weird. It's different from the first time we met. I kind of feel like you don't like me." I ramble on until mark stops in front of me. " it's not that I don't like you, it's just I don't know how to talk to you. When we first met I thought I'd never see you again, so I was overly confident." He says putting his head down. " cute." I say in my head. " Oh, well I'm just a regular person like you, so no need to be nervous." I say smiling. He nods and we walking in silence to the library.

I stare at mark while he looks through his notes. I watch as he pushed his hair back multiple times so it's not in his face. How does he make one simple thing look so attractive. But I can't help to think about amber saying that they're dating. She wasn't here today so I couldn't even ask her. And me and mark aren't even real friends, so it'll be weird if I ask him. Right?

" what." Mark says referring to me staring at him. He looks up at me and we stare at each other. " If you want to say something just say it, you're kind of creeping me out right now." He says. " umm, are you and amber... like dating." I ask him and his eyes go wide. " What! Did she tell you that." " Yeah, she texted me yesterday, and y'all did kiss at the party so..." I say playing with my fingers.  " No! We are not dating. The only reason we actually kissed was because I was drunk. I don't know why she would tell you that. But she's lying." Mark says. I can sense anger in his voice. " oh ok. " I just nod

" So what's going on with you an her anyway." I ask. He just stares at me. " I mean you don't have to tell me, we aren't actually friends." I say putting my head down. I suddenly feel his finger on my chin, bringing head up. " No it's fine, I'll tell you. In 8th grade we started dating. Everything was great. Until freshman year when a rumor went around that she had sex with one of my friends. But I never believed it cause she told me she would wait for me and we would lose our virginity together." Mark takes a deep breath. " But, obviously she was lying. So long story short I found out and we broke up. Along with that I stopped talking to all of my friends. On top of that she told everyone that I broke up with her and said it was because I quote on quote " didn't want to date a whore." I just stared at him with my mouth open wide. 

" But amber seems so nice, I doubt she would lie about something like that." I say. Mark sighs. " I'm not even going to make this a conversation. But you'll see for yourself and so will bambam. She's a no good fake." He says. " well just because she's your ex that doesn't mean you can talk about her like that, that's rude." I get up from my seat and walk away. " Hey wait." I hear mark whisper yell.

" What if. I'm wrong. I mean I did just meet her. And to think about it I don't know anything about her... But then again I don't know anything about mark either." I walk home confused about this whole situation.

I might do a double update today. So there might be another chapter later in today. Stay tuned.

Oh and JAY B joined highr music!!!!
I'm really hoping for a collab between him and ph-1
His song " switch it up." Comes out this Friday - may 14

I can't without you - Mark Tuan ambw ff Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora