Favor, Affection, Malice, or Ill-Will

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*District 21: Bullpen*

Everyone was at their respective desks while Hank was standing by the whiteboard and Ana was to his right. Erin had gotten a call from a friend about a man looking to solicit a murder.

"Rebecca Clark." Hank began, pointing to the young brunette's picture.

"That's the girl that moved here and was gunned down in Bronzeville a couple months back, right?" Kenny asked in confirmation.

"That's right, she'd only been in Chicago six months before she got killed." Ana nodded.

"Happened when she pulled over to buy a bottle of water at a corner store. Shot with a .45 semi-auto." Hank explained.

"Father is Donald Clark. He is a poetry professor at West Michigan College." Erin informed, pointing at a picture of an elderly male with white hair. "Mother's in a mental institution. Checked herself in after Rebecca's death. She couldn't handle it."

"So who's he want dead?" Kim wondered.

"Uh, Omar Fry. He's a documented South Ave hustler, prime suspect in Rebecca's murder. Gang Intelligence and Area Central Homicide both cleared him, so he was released a few weeks ago." Jay replied, glancing at a photo of an African American male. "Since then, open murder investigation, no other suspects."

"Now, Clark is convinced that Omar Fry's the guy who killed his daughter." Alvin finished with a small sigh.

"All right, Jay, you and Atwater hit Homan Square." Hank ordered. "See if you can dig up the original gang file."

"Kenny, you and Kim go pay Omar Fry a visit." Ana added.

"What's the next step with- with Clark?" Alvin inquired as everyone else began moving to carry out their orders.

"Let's see if we can get some perspective on the original homicide first and shed some light on who actually killed his daughter." The brunette responded.

"For now, just- just string Clark along." Hank instructed, turning towards the Office.

"Yo, Sarge, uh, I heard Ruzek's back?" Kevin spoke up, though it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Yeah, he's back at 21, yeah, but he's not back up here." The older man replied, catching his wife stiffening ever so slightly.

"Copy that." The male Officer nodded.

Hank finally went inside the Office and Ana followed him, closing the door behind her. He went to speak but she beat him to it.

"I don't approve of how you took care of Adam's return but I do appreciate you not keeping me in the dark about all of this."  The brunette explained, gently.

"I told you the day I slipped that ring on your finger that I wasn't gonna keep anything from you." Hank reminded her. "I wasn't about to start now."

Ana sighed, softly, and walked up to her husband with a smile. She wrapped her arms around the older man and brought him in for a long, deep, kiss.

*Time Skip brought to you by Trudy Platt saying the Episode title cause that scene was friggin hilarious 😂*

After speaking to Omar, Kim and Kenny were able to convince him to talk. He saw someone in a hoodie duck into the Red Line Tunnel right after he heard the shots being fired. A search of the area, turned up the murder weapon.

"Had the lab rush the test on our gun." Erin informed, taping a picture of it to the whiteboard. "The ballistics are 100% match to the rounds they pulled out of Rebecca Clark's body."

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