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A/N This is a Chicago Fire episode and the first part to a two part crossover with PD.

Relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

*Inside of Truck 81: Nighttime*

Battalion 25, Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, steel and box alarm, 1100 Fulton Street.

"1100 Fulton, that's commercial, isn't it?" Matt asked in confirmation. "Big warehouses?"

"Yeah. Remote area at night. Must be burning pretty good to have so many people call it in." Otis replied and then added as an afterthought. "Unless they're calling from inside."

Ana let out a small cough and made a split second decision. She reached for her radio and turned it on.

"Alright, listen up." She commanded. "I want everyone ready to go soon as we land."

"Got it, Captain." Stella yelled back.

"Copy that, Ana." Kelly responded via radio.

"Herrmann, bring the rope bag." Matt ordered. "You have to expect the worst."

They arrived at the fire sight just in time to witness a flare up.

"We're gonna need every company in the city." The Truck Lieutenant remarked.

Ana spotted Kelly and Chief heading over to one of the victims and rushed over.

"Hey, what is this place?" The Squad Lieutenant wondered. "A club?"

"The place just went up!" The victim coughed out.

"How many inside?" Chief inquired.

"I don't know. 50, 60? A lot." The Victim started coughing again. "It's like a maze. I couldn't find my way out."

"Okay, here's one of the paramedics." Ana informed, gently, spotting Sylvie rushing over. "She'll take care of you, alright?"

Chief activated his radio and began walking towards the building with both Lieutenants and the Captain following him

"Battalion 25 to main. Give me a 2-11 alarm and an EMS Plan 2. 51, get two lines inside. You hold that fire until we evacuate." He ordered, "77, grab a hydrant on Fulton and feed 51. Ambo 61 is triage."

"The fire is in the trusses." Ana pointed out, turning to Kelly. "We need to move fast, save as many as we can."

"Casey?" Chief called.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Let Herrmann take point. I need you out here to recon the outside of the building." The older man explained.

"Copy that, Chief. Herrmann, Mouch, Otis, Kidd inside for primary search." Matt ordered.

"Copy that, Lieutenant!" Herrmann responded.

And with that, Chief and Ana were left alone to overlook the burning building.

"For the last few days, I've had a bad feeling every time I've been near Oli." The brunette tore her eyes away from the flames to look at one of her closest friends. "And I'm feeling it now too."

"I'll keep an eye out." Chief offered.

"Thanks, Wally." She nodded, getting one in return.

The two eventually spotted Otis bringing out a victim and pulled him off to the side once he placed her on a stretcher.

"Otis, hey." Ana greeted.

"What's the layout in there?" Chief inquired.

"Ah, it's crazy. It's full of stuff. It's practically made out of kindling. We're gonna pull a lot of bodies out of there, guys." Otis reported, grimly.

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