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*Washington Park/Crime Scene*

"Spoke to the first officer on the scene." Erin informed, ducking underneath the red tape with Hank and Ana. "Said it looks like she was out for a jog. Pants are pulled down around her ankles. M.E. will tell us if it is what it looks like it is." She sighed, walking up to the body with the two Sergeants right behind her.

Hank, who was wearing a heavy winter jacket as opposed to his usual leather one, crouched down next to the body while Alvin stood up with an evidence bag. The older man placed a gloved hand on the corpse's cheek.

"She's still warm." He realized, looking up at his wife.

"First responding officers called an ambulance right away, even though they couldn't find a pulse." Erin explained.

"They found a phone near the body." Alvin spoke up. "I called 911 and the dispatcher gave me her name. Zoey Sims."

"Zoey Sims." Ana muttered.

"Yeah. Well, nobody in this neighborhood leaves a bottle half full." The elder Detective added, pointing to a vodka bottle that laid discarded in the grass.

"I want it hand delivered to the lab." Hank commanded.

"This just happened." The brunette pointed out. "Whoever did it can't be far away."

*A Little While Later*

Their suspects had fled into a church after being chased down by Kevin and Kenny. The priest, along with some of the Church's occupants, are refusing to hand over the boys so Hank and Ana had the team set up shop in a nearby building. Everyone was wearing a bulletproof vest as a precaution. Even Hank and Ana had theirs on underneath their jackets.

"Forensics fast-tracked photos from the crime scene." Jay informed, walking over with his partner and taping them to the makeshift whiteboard. "The M.E. says the victim's injuries are consistent with strangulation."

"And she shows clear signs of sexual assault." Erin added, glancing at Ana when she swallowed and look away. "Vaginal tearing. They're running the DNA now."

"DOA was Zoey Sims. 27 years old." Kim spoke up, walking over with another picture and taping it to the board. "According to her Linkedin profile, she was a saleswoman at a relocation company. She's not in any law enforcement databases, never been arrested."

"The guy who does have a long rap sheet is the priest." Kenny spoke up from where he was messing with a computer behind Hank and Ana. "Father Bill McSorely's been arrested 11 times, civil disobedience stuff, most recently for defacing liquor billboards in his neighborhood."

"Hey, uh, Al, don't you have some kind of beef with Father McSorely?" Kevin inquired.

"Father McSoundbite." Alvin spat. "Loves to point fingers at cops. Threw one of my old partners under the bus."

"It's quite a scene out there." ASA Steve Kot remarked, announcing his presence in the process.

"Thanks for coming down." Hank nodded.

"Yeah, I understand you have a couple of suspects claiming sanctuary protection inside the church." Steve recalled.

"How long can they stay?" Jay wondered.

"As long as the priest will have them." The ASA replied.

"Look at this." Kenny snapped, hitting the board and making Ana jump in surprise."Why are we waiting around on some custom?"

"Because, Kenny, it's not some back alley gang bust." Hank retorted. "If we're gonna pull those boys out of that church with the whole city watching, it's gonna be with a warrant and an airtight case."

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