The Silos

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A/N And we are back with PD! Sorry again about the late update!

Relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

Everyone suddenly understood why Ana had been acting the way she had. Even Joe had immediately forgiven the brunette, now knowing that her outburst was the result of her protective instincts dialed up to 11. 51's occupants no longer grew worried or were confused when said instincts resurfaced. They merely stepped in if they thought things were about to get violent.

*Incident Site*

Truck 81 and Engine 51 had gotten a call about a car on fire in a construction lot. Ana went with, knowing how probable arson was with this type of thing. The brunette was proven right once the flames were put out and she called her other team in.

"Arson?" Jay guessed, walking over to Matt and Ana.

"No doubt. Strong smell of gasoline, but no ruptured fuel lines or tanks." The Truck Lieutenant explained, balling his turnout coat up and holding it with his left arm. "This was definitely a pour."

"Vic was probably dead beforehand, otherwise he would've tried like Hell to crawl out of there." Ana added.

"Man, what a way to go." Jay remarked as the three approached a car carrying a charred corpse inside.

"Yeah." Matt agreed.

Both him and Ana suddenly turned to their right as a familiar unique, deep, gravelly voice reached their ears.

"What do we got?" Hank wondered, staring at the patrol Officer in front him.

"We have guys checking the security cameras over by the containers." He replied.

"Keep me posted." The older man ordered.

"Copy that." The Officer responded, rushing off.

"Hank." Matt called, walking over with an outstretched hand and watching as the male Sergeant took it once he was close enough. "I heard about your son. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am."

"That means a lot, Matt." The older man nodded.

The Truck Lieutenant gave him one in response before turning around and giving Ana a quick hug. They separated after a few seconds and he headed back towards 81. The brunette took his place and approached her husband.

"Hey, Henry." She smiled, grinning when he leant down and pulled her into a kiss.

Hank wasn't even the least bit upset that his wife had gone to deal with Bingham alone. The mere fact that he was dead by her hand was enough to satisfy him.

The couple parted just as Kevin walked over while reading from his notepad.

"Yo, guys." He called, removing his sunglasses. "Plates came back to a Ted Berner. 55, no priors."

"All right, thanks." Hank nodded.

Both him and Ana looked to their right just in time to see Erin hopping out of her car. She gave them a nod and walked towards the torched vehicle with the other three cops not to far behind.

"Hey, check this out." Adam spoke up, spotting them approaching.

"What?" Ana inquired.

"Right here. What's that on his chest?" The Officer asked. "Is that a police wire?"

"Well, let's find out." Hank replied.

"Hey, is that my car?" A new voice chimed in and everyone looked over to see a slightly overweight man being held back by a bunch of Officers. "Is that my car?!"

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