Fork in the Road

721 18 0

*Barbra Fletcher's Apartment*

Hank stood in front of the door with Ana beside him and Jay and Alvin behind them.

"Bunny." He called, rapping his knuckes on the wooden object.

A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal a bloodied and hysterical Barbra Fletcher.

"Hank." She gasped as the members of the Intelligence team barged in.

"Where is he?" The older man demanded.

"Where's Erin?" Bunny cried.

"She's not coming, Bunny." Alvin replied, calmly, grabbing her by the shoulders and preventing her from following Hank as he headed towards her bedroom.

Ana followed right behind her husband while Jay split off to search the rest of the house.

"I want to see my daughter!" Bunny yelled.

"Sit. Sit." Alvin commanded.

"Where's Erin? I want to see her!" She cried.

"Sit down." The elder Detective repeated, firmly, guiding her over to a table and pushing her into a chair.

"He's been shot!" Hank called over his shoulder as he rushed to the bloodied figure on the bed. "Jeez, it's Johnny."

"Oh, my God." Ana breathed, covering her mouth in horror as the older man checked for a pulse.

"He's alive. Roll an ambo!" The male Sergeant ordered.

"Hank, I did not do this!" Bunny insisted, trying to push her way past Alvin.

She succeeded but not before Jay could reappear.

"Get her back." Ana instructed, snapping out of her trance and moving to help Hank.

She grabbed a nearby shirt, balled it up, and tossed it to her husband who began applying pressure to the wound.

"I just came home, and he was already shot!" Bunny screamed, trying to prove her innocence.

"Just sit! Sit! Sit!" Jay hissed, getting her back in the chair before pulling out his radio. "5021 George, emergency, got a male, white. Gunshot wound to the chest. Roll an ambo to our location."

"Is that Johnny Martelli?" Alvin asked in confirmation as he joined his two best friends in the bedroom.

"Yeah. Just keep her back out." Hank nodded towards Bunny.

"Bluejay, where's that ambo?" Ana yelled over her shoulder.

*District 21: Bullpen*

Ana wanted nothing to do with Bunny Fletcher so she let Hank and Jay interview her alone. In the end, her alibi checked out and they had no real reason to keep her locked up so they let her go instead.

Currently, Kevin and Adam were on either side of the whiteboard, Ana was in her usual spot, Hank was standing a few feet in front of her with his arms crossed, and everyone else was at, or near, their respective desks. Except for Erin, of course.

"So, the bad news is the slugs that we recovered out of Johnny Martelli don't match any guns in our database." Kevin informed. "They also don't match the gun that we recovered from the scene, which we also believe to be Martelli's."

"However, and more interestingly, the SIG we believe to be Martelli's did hit for another case, and that case involved this truck." Adam explained, taping a photo of said vehicle to the board and crossing his arms. "It was robbed on Racine, Back of the Yards. 40,000 pills of codeine. Two offenders wearing masks. The SIG was fired three times when the driver wouldn't get out of the truck."

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