All Cylinders Firing

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*Chicago Med: Nighttime*

Ana was fuming as she walked in with Hank at her side. Somebody attacked her best female friend and she was going to find out who.

"Hey." The older mam greeted, spotting Erin and Jay a few feet away.

"Hey, she's in surgery with Dr. Rhodes." The younger woman informed, approaching the couple with her partner not too far behind. "We don't know for how long."

"Antonio's setting up a grid at Beckett and Fremont." Jay added. "There was one witness, but we don't know how much he saw."

"What was she doing there?" Erin wondered.

"Well, we'll find out as soon as she's awake." Hank pointed out.

"She was having dinner with her father." Ana spoke up and no questioned how she knew, given that it was pretty obvious.

"Police are under attack." Jay muttered.

"We don't know that's what this was." Hank retorted.

"She was wearing plain clothes, but she could've been followed from the district. We don't know." Erin sighed.

"Mouch!" Ana called, spotting the firefighter rushing over.

"Where is she?!" He cried and the brunette moved forward, grabbing at his arms when he did the same to her.

"Hey, she's in surgery right now." She explained, softly,

"I need to be with her." Mouch demanded.

"I'm sorry, but that's not possible right now." Ana apologized and the firefighter bit his tongue.

He was preventing himself from shouting something that would more than likely make the woman in front of him flinch. The brunette glanced back at the other three cops and gave them a look that said "I'll handle this."

"Come on." Ana murmured, leading Mouch outside of the Hospital and over to a secluded area by a tunnel. "Look, I know you don't wanna be questioned right now but if I don't ask then they will and we both know you'd rather it be me." She reasoned and he nodded with a sigh. "I know she in that neighborhood to have dinner with her father but do you know of anywhere she might've gone tonight? Did she tell you anything she may not have told me?"

"Um, she said.  . .ugh, what did she say?!" The firefighter hissed to himself, rubbing his forehead and pacing around a bit. "I'm sorry, Ana, I just came off of a 46 hour shift-"

"Hey, it's fine. You know I understand." She reminded him. "We both also know that Trudy has had nothing but beefs. But were there any that stood out to you? Any she may not have wanted to tell me about for whatever reason?" The female Sergeant inquired.

"Um. . .did she tell you about the nut-job that shouted her down at her desk last week?" Mouch wondered.

"No." Ana answered, growing a bit suspicious. "She didn't."

"She said it was over some stupid complaint." He explained. "She never told me his name but he threatened her. She said she was gonna handle it. I should have done something." The firefighter muttered.

"Hey, that's not your job. It's mine and Trudy didn't wanna tell me cause she knew I'd go berserk." The brunette sighed, looking the man dead in the eye. "Mouch, I promise you, I will find who did this."

"I know you will." He nodded, giving her a small, grateful smile and rushing back inside the Hospital.

*District 21: Bullpen*

Kevin, Adam, both in bulletproof vests, and Kim appeared at the top the stairs. They stopped in front of a stack of boxes, spotting Hank and Ana walking over.

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