Scarlett Rose Merill

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The ninth month of my pregnancy was shit. I just wanted her to come. Ace had to literally to everything for me. Bless him though he was good about it. We got the last little things for the baby. We were ready, even though I was very young I felt ready and prepared for what was to come.

My due date was 11th July 1960, but our little princess still didn't want to budge one bit.

Tuesday 19th July 1960: 1:25am
I tossed and turned in our bed as I was starting to feel really uncomfortable. I felt a massive realise of liquid come out of me. I felt the mattress to feel that my waters had broke. I woke Ace who was sleeping next to me.
"Ace babe wake up! My waters have just broke!" I said panicking
"Ok ok right we need to get you to the hospital. Don't worry I'm here ok" I nodded

He carried me into his car and we made a dash for it. I was crying out in pain as ace rubbed my arm. The pain was unbelievable nothing I had ever experienced before.
We got to the hospital ten minutes after they broke.
We rushed into the reception.
"Someone help please! My girlfriends waters have broke!" He said panicking now more than ever.

We were brought to a room with around five doctors and Ace by my side.
"Right Emily you are only 7 centimetres dilated so you can't push yet. I promise not much longer" one of the doctors said 

Ace had called my father and Georgia to let them know. My father rushed into my hospital room with Georgia by his side.

"Em! Don't worry it will be all over soon" he said rubbing my head
"I-I know arghhh it hurts arghh"
"I know it does em, your doing amazing" ace said perking up a bit.

"Emily your fully dilated so what I need you to do is push for me" the doctor said

Ace was right next to me holding and rubbing my hand. He gave me a nod and smiled.

"Ready to meet our princess baby"
"R-ready than ever" I reassured him

"Push! Push push!" The doctors said
"Arghhhh!!!" I screamed

It stung so bad like I was being stung constantly by 1000 wasps.
I felt a sudden relieve run through my body. I realised I'd done it. I'd given birth to our little princess.
"There you go. You've got a little girl at 4:32 am. Congratulations!" One of the doctors said whilst cleaning the baby up
"T-thank you" I said crying and shaking
"You did it baby. Our little princess is here all thanks to you." Ace said smiling. We shared a passionate kiss.

She was placed onto my chest. She felt so light like feathers. Looking at her beautiful face made me tear up. Knowing me and Ace had created something so beautiful.
We decided to name her Scarlett Rose Merrill.
Scarlett because Ace liked the name and Rose because it was the flower Ace gave to me when he first asked me to be his girlfriend.
Ace held her for the first time. He rocked her back and forth gently.

"Hello Scarlett, I'm your daddy. Your a cobra princess now" he said kissing her forehead.

I knew Scarlett would be a daddy's girl. Daddy's little princess.

As father and Georgia weren't allowed to be present at the birth, they rushed in quickly and father scooped up little Scarlett.
"Hello little princess, I'm your grandad and there is your auntie Georgia" he said pointing to Georgia

He carefully passed Scarlett to Georgia and he came over to me. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. He could tell how exhausted I was.
"Well done honey. You've done it. You've got your and Ace's little girl."

They left after they spent the rest of the morning with us. It was just me Ace and little Scarlett. Scarlett had fallen asleep on my chest.

"Em I can't tell you how proud I am of you. Thanks to you with he have this little princess. I love you so much babe. Our life's are going to be filled with happiness with this little one." He said whilst kissing Scarlett on the forehead.

I was released from hospital a couple of days later. The day after I gave birth, Eyeball Charlie and Billy came and visited us. It as cute. They all had a card and balloons saying 'it's a girl!' on. They also had a turn each to hold her. I knew she was going to be a Cobra girl. The second Cobra girl after her mummy!

We got back home and I went on our first walk with Scarlett. Ace had gone to Irby's to play a bit of pool and to have a drink to celebrate. He needed it after putting up with me!

I saw Chris and the others. I was delighted to see them.
"Congrats Em!" He said coming over to look at her
"She's beautiful just like her mother" Teddy said
"Teddy!" I said blushing a tiny bit

Teddy, Gordie and Chris all had a go holding her. Vern was too nervous to hold her and thought he was going to drop her. Typical Vern!

The next couple of weeks were amazing!
Scarlett hardly cried, slept through the night (mostly) and me and Ace were getting on perfectly.

"I have my queen and little princess all in one spot. Could life get anymore better than this" Ace said whispering as she was on his chest.

Ace was getting on so well being a father. He was slowly getting used to it.

Scarlett Rose Merrill.
How you changed your daddy and mines lives.

Yours and Mine // Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now