I love you emily

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We pulled up to a lake. It was peaceful, nothing like I had experienced before. My life had always been chaotic. We got out and Ace slipped his arm around my waist. I flinched a bit as I couldn't see very well as it was dark.
"Don't be nervous" he said in his low husky voice.


We sat by the waters edge. We both smoked and talked for hours. About hobbies, the cobras, his education (surprisingly!).

"How come you moved" He said lighting another cigarette.

This had always been a touchy subject for me. But for some reason I was comfortable with telling Ace.

"Well my mother is a drug addict and alcoholic. Father became so fed up with her he kicked her out of the house. She became homeless and lost full custody of seeing me and my sister."
I felt a single tear stroll down my cheek. Ace's soft thumb brushed it away.

"Mums are scumbags." He said. I nodded.
"What about you" I asked.
He hesitated for a couple of seconds.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"No, no it's fine" He tried to say confidently.
"Well my mother left me and my father when I was six. My father then became an alcoholic and never had time for me anymore as he was always passed out drunk or down the pub with his fellas."
"I'm sorry" I said as I kissed his cheek.
"Don't be, I've never told that to anyone."
"Not even Eyeball or the Cobras"
"Nope not even them" He said reassuring me.
"Well your secrets safe with me"
He smiled.

The next thing I know was his soft lips hitting mine. It was rough yet passionate. Better than Jeremy. Way better. He placed his hand on my thigh as he laid me down on the cold grass. He started kissing my jawline and collarbone.
"Ughhh Ace" I said as I was breathless
"You like that darling" He said as he continued.
"Mhm" I said biting my lip.
He placed a load of hickeys onto my neck and chest area. He smirked at his work.
"Now everyone knows your my girl"
I raised an eyebrow.
"Your my girl Em, no one else's"
We both smirked at each other.

As we started to head to the car, he spoke up again.
"Sweetheart tomorrow I'll pick you up at seven. I want you to properly meet Eyeball and the rest of the Cobras to show them that your my girl and only mine. Mine only."
"Ok sounds good"
I looked at the time on the radio in his car.

Shit. 12:45am

"My fathers going to kill me"
"Relax, sweetheart you'll be fine" he reassured me.

He pulled up to my house. Now I had to face my father. Crap.
Before I even got into the house and I was standing on the porch he dragged me in by my hair. Ace had turned around to light a cigarette as it was quite windy so he didn't see what happened.

"Where the hell have you been young lady your an hour and a quarter late!! And what is that on your neck and chest!" He said as he pointed to the hickeys that Ace had given me.
Fuck. I had forgotten about that.

Just before I could answer, he threw me to the floor and started punching and kicking me.
"Don't you ever be late again!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.
I had never seen my father so scary before.

"Father get of her!" Georgia pleaded
"Fuck of to your to your room Georgia or you'll be next" He bellowed. She followed his instruction.
I laid there frozen. In a state of shock. I wanted it all to be over.
He had given me two black eyes and cuts and bruises all over my fragile body.
I ran out of the house screaming and crying.

What a scumbag. Just like my mother had been.

Ace still hadn't left yet. He probably heard all of the commotion. I ran as fast as I could to his car. Covering my hood over my beaten face.

"Doll face what happened"
"My fucking father just kicked me out of the house, please can I stay at yours"
"Of course you can doll face; I'm not going to let you sleep over at some strangers house. Now take your hood down."
"No it's horrible"
"Show me now" His voice was serious. I did what he said.
I lifted the hood down and his jaw started to clench.
"What the fuck has he done to you sweetheart"
"He started to get mad a me for being an hour and a quarter late"
"I'm gonna kill him" He said as he started to get out of the car.
"No please can we just go" I said in a high shakey tone.
He looked at the house one more time and nodded.
He got back into the car and safely gripped his hand onto my thigh. We sat in silence for the whole fifteen minute journey to his house.

It was messy to say the least. Cigarette trays, used cigarettes scattered everywhere, half drunken beer bottles that covered over the coffee table and hardly any decorations.

"My old man moved out a couple of years ago so it's just you and me"
I nodded and smiled. I felt a bit more safer.

He showed me to his bedroom. I was quite surprised with how tidy it was. A double bed, dresser, bedside table and a bookshelf was all that filled the room. He laid me down on the bed in my drowsy state. I rested my head on the pillow as he gently rubbed my bruised eyes. He then went and got a bowl of water and clean rag to start cleaning my cuts. He gave me a wink and a smile. When he was done, I rested my head on his chest as he rubbed my arm. As I started to fall asleep I heard him say something to me but I was too drowsy to hear.
"I love you Emily"

Yours and Mine // Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now