Yours and mine

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I was starting to feel better and better each day. Not just physically but mentally. I put all the people I didn't need in my life past me and was ready to move on until...
Tap tap tap..
Ugh. I knew exactly who it was. Fucking Ace. The minute I decided I was going to block him off for good. 'Let me in' he mouthed as he kept tapping on the window. I gave in and let him (it's a habit I used to have with him.)
He started to caress my cheek, I flinched a little but caught onto my cheek with his delicate thumb again.

"What do you want" I said pushing his hand of my cheek. He looked at me blankly.
"You I want you em. And the baby. I want both of you in my life. I'm so sorry about how I reacted last night, it was just a massive shock and I didn't expect it one bit. But now I've had time to think about it and I really want you as my beautiful girlfriend and for our beautiful baby to still be in my life. I love you and our baby so much. Yours and mine."

I teared up. It wasn't just because of hormones it's also because I never ever heard him talk like this to anyone before. I realised now he had time to think that he would be the best father ever.

"A-Ace baby, I still want you in my life and I-I didn't mean anything I said to you last night"
" I know you didn't" he said smirking

I kissed his soft devilish lips. God how I missed him. We smiled through our long passionate kiss. He broke the kiss and leant down to my little bump started kissing it.

"Now you little Merrill are going to be so much like your mum. And I love you so much. Can you forgive me?" He said pouting

I felt a little kick from him/her. It was the first one. I was overjoyed as Ace wasn't there to miss it. He started tearing up which I had never seen Ace show emotions before. It was cute.

"He/she's going to be a feisty one don't you think em"
"Of course, he/she's got you for a dad"

He laughed

I was finally happy. With my baby, my beautiful sweet baby growing bigger and bigger by each day and the guy I loved. Ace Merrill.

Yours and Mine // Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now