I had to keep it a secret

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I had now hit eight months pregnant. God how time went fast. I got a load of things ready in those last couple of months since me and Ace made up. Did I also mention I quitted my job because it was shit and got one in the local diner and was due to start a couple of months after giving birth.

Firstly, father had accepted Ace as he had to prove he loved me. (It was hard for Ace, but he proved himself!) I had moved back into Ace's, got all the baby's things, painted the nursery and found out we were having a girl. I was so excited to have a little me!
The pregnancy hadn't gone to bad. I mean I had still a month to to but if wasn't too bad. It was just the first couple of months, with the morning sickness and not having my boyfriend there to support me. I loved cradling my little girl everyday and Ace loved and I mean LOVED to talk to her. He loved to talk to her about how moody I was sometimes with hormones, our nursery we made for her and about our lives. God. He was going to be such a good father.

The thing I was still struggling with was Chris and the boys. Chris forgave me kind of and the others weren't talking to me. But one day they found me whilst I was in the baby isle at the supermarket.
"Emily, we need to talk come to the treehouse" Teddy said
"Do you really think I'm going to fit in your treehouse like this. I'm eight months pregnant forgot sake!" I rolled my eyes
"Oh rush sorry" Gordie said and they all laughed
"Well you guys changed your tunes didn't you"
"Yeah we're really sorry we didn't mean to upset you. It was just a quite a shock for us as we don't like Ace and that but we forgive you and we still want to be your friend. Are we forgiven?" Gordie said. They all pouted like little puppies.
"Oh! Go on then!" I said laughing with them. I could see Chris giving me a wink as he was pleased we all made up. I returned a wink back to him.
I loved those guys with all my hearts and I wouldn't of replaced them for the world.
I played some cards with them in a field as I couldn't fit into the treehouse because of my bump.

Whenever I told Ace I was going out, I just told him I was meeting Georgia. I had to keep it a secret.

Yours and Mine // Ace Merrill Where stories live. Discover now