I now had to break the news to him

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Over those past couple of months, we had been getting on much better. We spent more and more time with each other.
I noticed something strange though. I hadn't had my period the last two months. My periods were very regular as well. I've been throwing up every morning. And my boobs were sore. It couldn't mean that I was.... pregnant?!
I was only nineteen. Shit.

Thankfully, no one was in the house so I went to the nearest doctors.

"Emily Garcia room 4" the woman at the desk announced

I was twiddling my thumbs, so nervous what was about to happen. If I wasn't pregnant, I could carry on my life with Ace as normal. But if I was pregnant, my life would change dramatically, how would Ace react? Would he react good or bad? Would we be good parents?
I walked in and she smiled at me.
"What seems to be the problem Emily"
"Well I haven't come on my period the last two months , and my periods are at very regular times and this is out of the ordinary for me. I've also been throwing up every morning and have very sore boobs"
"Now Emily, don't be scared I'm going to do a check up on you and give you a pregnancy test to take and we'll find out once and for all if you are pregnant or not" she smiled to ease the tension of my face.

I took the pregnancy test without any fuss. She checked my blood pressure, and my heart. She said I looked and sounded healthy.

She went out of the room and after a few minutes she returned smiling.

"Well Emily, congratulations your going to be a mother!" She said delightful

My eyes widened.
"T-thank you" I said as she shook my hand

I left the doctors with my life changed in a matter of 45 minutes.

Shit. I was going to be a mother at nineteen years old. And Ace was going to be a... father.

I now had to break the news to him.

Yours and Mine // Ace Merrill Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora