"I'll take a shower once we're at the dorms." Mark replied, looking down at his wet hand in disgust. Donghyuck did the same, wiping off the sweat of his forehead. Due to the many layers of clothing, it was incredibly hot and Donghyuck scooted closer to Mark to get a little bit of fresh air from his fan. Usually Mark would've stepped away but right now he didn't, sharing the hand-fan with Donghyuck.

The two stood together, not talking. That was until Sungchan called Donghyuck over. The latter left Mark with a pat on his shoulder and then walked to Sungchan who was waving with his phone.

"I want to look over the performance once again and I know you like to monitor yourself too." the taller said. Donghyuck smiled up at him, liking the way Sungchan had paid attention to his mannerisms. Sungchan offered his arm and Donghyuck sneaked under it, yes they were both sweaty but Sungchan didn't seem to care as well as he was very comfortable for Donghyuck to lean against.

With every time they did this, Donghyuck liked Sungchan more. The younger was just so comfortable and actually returned his affections unlike some certain people. Donghyuck almost automatically glanced over at Mark and that's when he noticed it for the first time. A distinct look of confusion in Mark's face.

Their eyes met briefly but Donghyuck had known Mark for long enough to be able to tell his emotions solely through his eyes. Those pretty doe eyes. Donghyuck had looked into them so many times, had watched them form from the eyes of a hopeful but scared sixteen year old to the eyes of a strong, talented but incredibly overworked twenty-one year old.

"Hyung?" Sungchan asked, waving with his phone in front of Donghyuck's eyes. Right, they wanted to watch the performance.

"Sorry. I was spacing out." Donghyuck apologised and shook his head, not glancing at Mark for a second time. It was probably just a coincidence that Mark had looked at him weirdly, the man needed glasses anyway.

After they finished, they changed out of his clothes. They were sticky and Donghyuck was happy to wear baggy sweatpants paired with one of Jeno's adidas shirts that looked big on him.

"You really need to buy your own damn clothes." Jeno noted upon realising it was his but Donghyuck only laughed dismissively. At this point they were brothers and the dorms were so chaotic since they were all booked and busy.

Sometimes Donghyuck would miss staying in his old dorm room with Johnny. The two had played so many games and Johnny would always pay whenever Donghyuck got hungry and ordered food.

However, being back with the Dreamies was just as fun. Especially now living with Shotaro and Sungchan, both of which Donghyuck found very adorable. He had grown particularly fond of Sungchan as the young man would hold up with all of Donghyuck's shenanigans, only adoring Donghyuck while the older was having his fun teasing the other members.

On top of that, Sungchan allowed for Donghyuck to touch him. And everyone knew how much Donghyuck thrived off giving and receiving affection. He used to tease Mark and Jeno with it, trying his best to steal kisses from them but both of them, especially Mark, had kept rejecting him so Donghyuck naturally gave up when he found new victims, mostly Johnny, Renjun and now Sungchan.

It happened to be that the latter sat next to Donghyuck in the car. Mark was squished on Donghyuck's other side but had his headphones in. Donghyuck could see the dark bags under Mark's eyes and he had to admit he was getting a bit worried for him.

He wanted to comfort Mark but didn't know how exactly. So he just petted Mark's thigh. The older pulled back and Donghyuck closed his eyes. Of course, Mark didn't like skin-ship. It was weird to Donghyuck as he himself always loved it but so it had always been. Donghyuck loving something and Mark hating it, as well as the other way around. And yet, they still managed to become best friends.

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