27.| ᴅᴀʏ 2; ᴛᴀʀꜰᴛᴅ [3]

Start from the beginning

Everything around the room was indeed very sketchy. I continued to walk around, he had a few notebooks lying around but none of it had any type of clues. There were also files on the power broker laying around too— so what Sharon said must've been true... the Power Broker has to have something to do with this. There were tubes on the floor half of it had smock from what seemed like a fire.

"Uh, guys... look at this," Peter announces as he stared at the floor.

I walk over to it, Peter moves out the way revealing one singular bloodstain. I run my hands over it and it was fresh.

"Someone was here," I whisper, I take out a vial that I picked up from the corner and put some of the blood in. "Hold onto this." I throw it over to Jace.

"What are we going to do with it?" Jessica questions.

"We could run a DNA scan on it," Jace explains as he sees I'm busy still looking around. "The blood will obviously be someone's, so once we find out who it is, we've got another lead."

"Exactly," I say, I look to the corner and see a camera at the corner of the room. "Spiderling, which monitor has all the recordings that this camera had taken?"

Peter looks over at the camera, his eyes follow the wires. He then points to a desktop on the counter. I throw him the flash drive.

"Try and fit the more recent recording into this."

Peter nods, he catches the flash drive and gets to work. The twins and I continue to look around.

"Guys... we've got company," Sharon announces.

"Shit." Jessica groans under her breath. "How much longer until the download finishes?"

"Only at 33%." Peter sighs.

"Guys we've gotta get out of here!" Sharon continues.

I look over at Peter. "We'll buy you some more time, just make sure you get the download."

The three of us run out of the containers and into the opening to see shooting and fighting. There were over 30 men here. Some of the men see me and they run up to me.

"Great..." I whisper.

They all charge at me. One man tries to punch me, so I grab his arm and kick him in the ribs sending him flying to another container. The other two men charged towards me at once. I move out of the way and of course, they just run into one another.

"Just like the movies," I smirk.

A bullet goes only inches above my head causing me to run and ride. "Holy shit! T-that was close." I shout into the comms. "How'd they even know we were here?"

"Two words: Sharon C-Carter!" Kate replies as she runs towards me.

Sharon scoffs, she joins us. "You really think I had something to do with this?!"

"Yes! I do! No on... literally, no one knew we were here!" Kate shouts. "It's just a coincidence that these men happened to know that five random kids had been at the container sites!?"

"Yes! I think that is a coincidence!"

I roll my eyes. "We're in the middle of a fucking fight can you both shut up!"

"Guys, I need backup!" Peter shouts.

"Bishop, let's go. Carter, j-just stay." I say before I run out in the open and create a force field of some sort around both me and Kate.

"You couldn't do this earlier?" Kate huffs.

"I forgot. I had powers."

We both run inside the container and into the lab where we see Peter who was about to get shot. I blast him off of Peter who exhales dramatically and jumps up to his feet.

"Is the download done?" I ask.

Peter walks up to the monitor and pulls the flash drive out nodding. "Yeah, we've got it. Now w—" he was interrupted when the flash drive got shot out of his hands.

We look up and see the man I blasted use his remaining breath to shoot it out his hand. My eyes widened in shock. After everything... after all of that.

All the blood and sweat has gone to waste.

"No..." I whisper.

Sharon and the others run into the room after hearing the shooting. They all seemed relieved when they saw we were okay. Jace then looks down at the floor.

"Is that...."

I look up with teary eyes. "We're never going to get him back."

"This is your fault!" Kate shouts pointing at Peter.

Peter's brows furrow. "Wh-what? How the hell is this my fault!?"

They both break out into an argument. The twins and Sharon try to get them to shut up but they only made it worse by yelling at them. Me, who gets really overwhelmed with noises gets pissed and accidentally lets out a wave of energy throwing them all into a room.

"J-just shut up!" I shout. "This is no one's fault but my own."

Ugh, I fucked up badly and now we aren't going to get dad back. They all look at me and don't say a word so I just walk out of the container. Once I walked out... I saw several dead bodies on the ground. I sigh in frustration and continue to walk away. All this blood was wasted for nothing.

The nearest place to me was a bar. Although I wasn't 21 I still went and used a fake ID. I had a few drinks and sat at the bar. Every once in a while some creepy man or woman would come up and ask me if I wanted to dance.

For the 100th time today, I feel another hand touch my shoulder.

I groan. "For the love of God, I don't want to dance."

"Good because I don't either."

Oh god... I turn around and see mom. "Wh-what are you doing here?"

"A little birdie told me you were upset."

"How'd you find me?"

"Find my iPhone."

I groan. "Mom—"

"I knew where you were this entire time, Natasha. I'm your mother, I know you. I respected the fact that you came here because you would've done it even if I told you no.." Mom laughs, she takes a seat beside me. "Plus you think I know that I can't ground you? You've got the same stubbornness as your dad, I'd be surprised if you hadn't left at one point throughout this week."

A small laugh escapes my mouth.

"What's wrong, baby?" Mom asks. "Tell me what happened."

"It didn't work... all of this..." I start off. "So many people died and... it was for nothing. Our school got invaded by a bunch of men that wanted dad dead. You got tortured because I didn't want to give up the flash drive, and just when I thought things were going to go good here in Madripoor— it all went to shit. And now... we're never getting him back."

Mom shakes her head, she lifts my chin so that I had been facing her. "Natasha... this isn't over. You and your friends worked so hard for this— so we're not stopping yet." she slightly smiles. "Plus, you didn't lose everything."

"What do you mean? I lost the flash drive."

"Yeah... but you didn't lose that vial of blood you took from the lab." Mom stands to her feet. "Right now Stark and Nat are testing the blood and running scans to figure out who it belongs to. This isn't over yet. We will get James back."

"I hope you're right."

"Well with a team like yours... I'm more than positive." Mom smirks, she grabs her keys. "Come on, I'll drop you off at the hotel and we'll pick up working when we get the results."

There's just those days when you need your mom, and this happened to be one of them.

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