Hello there!

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Hey guys!

I hope you people are doing good.

I will be updating tonight but I feel so awkward coming here almost after a month🤧 I was feeling so bad that I didn't even check the date I published the last chapter on.

Anyways, I just wanted to say Hi to you all and know if you people remember me or are still waiting for the update.

And also, since Arrange Marriage is ending within two chapters, Would love to know -

What is your most favourite moment from the book?

And If you ever get a chance to ask a question from any character of Arrange Marriage, whom would you ask and what would you ask?

Also, my mental health is in no way capable of taking even an ounce of negativity or criticism at this point. So, Please refrain from posting any negative comment here.

Take care,

Wait for the update😌

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