"Dammit! I can't take it anymore!"

I had barely built up any energy but I burst into flames. It was brief; only a split second but the searing surprise was enough for the hand to loosen its grip.

I kicked my shackle away and dove to the side to avoid an unplanned haircut.

"HEY HEY HEY! NOT THE HAIR!" I yelled angrily as I jumped around, helpless.


Five still lay on the ground with a crumbling hole in the middle of his chest. His colors were also quickly fading back to stony white; a sign that his soul would soon detach from the damaged base. Russia was still completely out of it but luckily, the daggers didn't seem interested in him at all.

But if we were to have any chance of survival, he would have to snap out of it. The problem was how since I wasn't able to get to him, thanks to the tiny murder rocks that were flying around.

A glimmer of movement flew past me and smashed onto the ground. I glanced back to see Afghanistan and the hooded man, finally willing to show themselves.

"You missed," I dared to press but the stupid smile never left the man's face.

"Did we? Come on, surely you are more astute than that."

The same red liquid formed a puddle behind me and it began to fizz even more violently.

The next thing I knew, I was pinned to the ground with a giant dagger ripping through my left arm. I clawed at my numbing limb, for the pain had not been registered yet but the warmth of the blood soaking through my sleeve told me it was going to be bad.

"Yes, little Superpower. Do what you do best; just grin and bear it."

My mind began to fog over and terrible dizziness replaced my pain. I could feel myself losing all feeling.

I wouldn't die; no it took far more than that to kill a countryhuman like myself but it was unpleasant nonetheless.

I lay there, paralyzed with pain as I watched the hooded man make his way over to Russia, who still hadn't moved. I tried to call out to warn him but it came out more like a pitiful whimper.

What is wrong with him?!

"What is wrong with you? Aren't you supposed to be strong?"

With gritted teeth and a fiery will to live, I wrenched the shard out of my mangled arm. It hurt like fucking hell but hey; you gotta do what you gotta do.

A newfound burst of adrenaline propelled me forward. I was not going to end here...



It was a thundering night where lightning flashed violently in the indigo clouds but the rain had yet to fall. It was a night where the children huddled in their parents' arms to chase away the nightmares.

Where Winter Meets Summer (Rusame Countryhumans)Where stories live. Discover now