Chapter 4 : Friendly Stranger

ابدأ من البداية

I told them and dismissed them and they took off .

It was 3pm now and I was already exhausted.
I decided to head out to lunch and then home.
I was feeling antsy today , a weird sense of dread washed over me and I wanted nothing more than to just sleep the day off.

Those weird feelings were result of the long shifts of work I did.
But the dream last night added more to it and I kept telling me it was nothing but a weird dream. I just saw him maybe that's why.
Eventhough I met the guy yesterday it felt like I have known him for eternity and he somehow embedded himself deep into my subconscious.

"Sharon , I'm not feeling good I'll be heading out early today" i told my assistant. She looked up and nodded.
"Yes sir. I'll inform you if something happens. Have a good day ."

I left the building and after eating at a nearby restaurant I headed home.

Just as I parked my car in my garage ,my mind immediately drifted to him.

What he must be doing right now? Did he leave? Or is he still there?
I got out of the car and headed inside.
The house was quiet as usual.

I saw Rosa my house worker cleaning around the stairs. Just as she saw me , she ran inside the kitchen and brought me a glass of water.

" How was your day sir?"
She asked as she handed me the water which I took.
"It went well, where is Nyx?" I asked her getting straight to the point.

She raised her eyebrows in confusion before her face lit up and she replied.

"Oh that handsome lad, he asked me if there was some empty space where he could work so I showed him the empty place near the garden. He is in the backyard!" She said and I nodded .

She left to do her work.

I felt a pang of jealousy and anger when she called him handsome.
Wow Axel possesive much? My inner subconscious sneered at me.

I shook my head and groaned in frustration.

What the hell is happening to me? Why am I having weird thoughts about 'HIM'? And what's with the curiosity? This was giving me a headache.

I sighed and shrugged off my coat and hung it up near the door and then I made my way to garden and when I reached there , I was sure my jaw touched the floor.

I could not decide what was more alluring.

The handsome naked male standing in front me only in black boxers, or the art piece which he was working on.

It seems like he was painting my garden but the colours and hint of imagination which he used of his own made the painting look like as if it was a scene of some weird fantasy world.

"Wow" I muttered and it was supposed to be quiet but I said it out loud.

He jumped in surprise dropping his brush and turned around quickly.

"Oh god you scared the hell out of me mate!" he said shocked and quickly gained his composure.

"Ugh oh umm I'm sorry ,I ugh needed a place to work and I asked that lady and she shown me this place I hope you don't
mind. I will be done in a few and clean up this mess. And ugh thank you for the compliment also thank you for letting me stay here , no one would be kind enough to do that and I hope I'm not intruding or something and I'm ranting so I think should stop before you tell me to just shut up ugh yeah !"

He said quickly while his hand flailed here and there and ended with a light blush on his cheeks.
I laughed.

" It's fine , and Oh wait!!
are you blushing ? " he shook his head but it was obvious .

The Vampire Prince ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن