Chapter 2 : Invited

Start from the beginning

A whistle broke me out of my thoughts and when I looked back at him , he seemed angry but nonetheless smiled.
Which was forced obviously.

Soon my house appered and I heard a gasp beside me.

"You live here???" He practically screamed making my chest rise in pride , in a weird way.

It was weird cause I never felt like this. I'm not egoistic or a flaunter but him being impressed by my house just made me feel good.

Anyway I parked my car in front of my garrage and got out.

"Well let's go or we'll get wet" I told him as I put a hand on my forehead to avoid rain.

It was starting to rain heavily again.
As he got out and I locked my car,
I took his hand and dashed towards my door, but as soon as I entered I felt as I was tied by a rock or something and got pulled back into the rain.

Nyx stood there just outside my door frame like a statue not moving at all and glaring at the door frame like it murdered his cat or something.

"What happened ? " I questioned.
He rolled his eyes and completely faced me.

" Well I'm a guest and don't you think you should invite your guest in your house first ?" He asked but his tone was laced with something like desperation which I couldn't figure out.

" What the hell are you talking about just get in we are getting wet!" I said annoyed by his behaviour.

But he just shook his head and stubbornly pouted adorably, I felt butterflies in my stomach.
My annoyance immediately faded away.

"Why cant you just come in we're getting Nyx? " I asked gently.

" My family has this thing that never enter someone's house untill the verbally invite you. You know so only you are invited and not any thing else. So invite me in like a proper guest and then I shall enter!" He said in what I could believe was a posh accent and as he looked me in the eyes I felt obliged to do as he asked.

I sighed in amusement , this guy was something and I was doing what he asked.

These things that I would never do for a stranger but him, he was a different and difficult case which even I cant understand.

I got inside my house opened the door wide for him and in my best posh accent I told him
"Mr Nyx Venatores as I presume you are my guest I invite you in my humble abode that I call home , please come in!".

He giggled, but stepped in. But not before kicking his leg slightly at the doorframe.

" Hey? The doors innocent no need to kick it." I said chuckling and he looked at me with a confused expression asking what.

"why did you kicked as if there was something in the place of the door?" I asked as I noticed he kicked before entering as if checking there was something .

"Oh! It's nothing I just used to kick my door open!! haha habits" he said quickly but nervousness was evident in his tone.

Only then I realised how hot he looked in proper light.

He had dark brown hairs which were wet and hanging loosely , onyx eyes with grey specks and for a while I thought his eyes shimmered red but it maybe was just a illusion.

He was wearing a white shirt a blue denim jacket in his hand and black skinny jeans which stuck to his gorgeous figure because of being wet.

He was wearing a white shirt a blue denim jacket in his hand and black skinny jeans which stuck to his gorgeous figure because of being wet

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He had a small earring in his left ear and a sharp jaw.

God he was hot and not even the models at my company were this attractive.

I never felt anything for guys but damn this guy was making me question my sexuality.

Totally go gay for him. What the fuck Axel? Get over it.

I got out of my staring and noticed he was looking around.

I coughed to get his attention.

"Ohk well it's past 10 I think we should hit the sack, come on lemme show you the spareroom."
I told him hanging my coat near the door and heading upstairs.
He followed me to the guest bedroom .

" This is the room , there is the bathroom and there are towels in the cabinet below the sink and extra blanket is in the drawer near the bed you know how London gets cold in nights like these ." I said pointing things out to him .
He just nodded.

"If you need something my room is just beside yours , just knock at my door . Though I have a meeting tomorrow so I would love if you don't ,no offence, and yeah feel free to explore in morning but no snooping in my office and the room with the big black door at the hallway." I ended in a warning tone.

He got the message and muttered a 'sure'.

"That's all I guess?" I shrugged.

"Ok then goodnight thanks for the room and hospitality , and don't worry I'm not some serial killer or thieve I'm just a 20 year old artist ." he said and closed the door.

I just went to my room to sleep .
Tomorrow I had an important meeting with the board so I need to wake up early.

With the thought of sleeping early I made my way to bathroom , took a warm shower and then fell asleep the moment I hit the soft mattress of my bed thinking of a male with brown hair and red eyes and lemme tell you the thoughts were not so innocent.

It was one hell lotta tiring day. And I was finally ready to rest.
The guy in dreams was my guilty fantasy and a bonus.

Nyx's Pov:

Well I didn't thought I would meet him like this clearly drunk and nearly falling over a bridge.

Damn what impression would I have on him.

I have waited for him for a long time and finally I have him. Well thank the gods above he is hot and like damn hot .

Obviously perfect for me. Total daddy material to be quite honest.

Touching him sent sparks all over my body .

And now here I lie in his guest bedroom him just sleeping on the other side of wall safe and sound.

Well for one thing I gotta teach him not to invite random strangers in his home.

With that thought I turned towards the wall and drifted off to sleep with few last words

"Goodnight mate."

Third Person Pov:

As they both slept ,
Axel would have never thought of it as exactly who or what he invited in his house unknowingly and how the person in the next room was going to change his life drastically.

They didn't knew what the future held for them but it was going to be one adventurous journey for
Axel as he was about to deal with someone who exactly didn't belong to this world ,someone who was followed by death, despair and destruction.
Someone who was going to thrill up Axel's boring life.

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