The Bologna Incident pt.2

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•Chapter 19•
•Y/n's Pov•

"Well that didn't go as planned" sal said

"Sure didn't" Larry said laughing along with me

"You got any other ideas sal? I asked

"Hm Larry why don't you see if you can sneak into the principal's office to look at her files. While you do that y/n and I will check in with Todd." Sal suggested.

He always was a smart thinker.

"I'm down" Larry said

"Let's just hope this plan will work out this time" I said agreeing

Sal and I walked out the cafeteria heading towards the Science Lab.

I stopped by one of the classes 102 and found a paper clip.

"That could be useful" sal said smiling at me through his mask.

We entered the science lab greeting Todd.

"Any news? I asked

"Not yet. Were you guys able to get the bologna ingredients?" Todd questioned

"No, not yet. Kim was pretty stubborn about it." Sal said

"Where'd ash wonder off?" I said noticing that she wasn't in the room.

"She went to get some materials for me. I recommended she look into the janitors closet. I thought she'd be back by now though." Todd replied

"We'll go find her" sal suggested and with that we left the science lab holding hands.

Sal's hands were bigger than mine but slightly slim and warm.

"Ooh hey, I found some sticky tack!" I exclaimed

"Your good I finding objects eh?" Sal said teasing a bit.

"It's just a natural talent" I said dramatically.

As sal and I were walking down the hallway we saw Ashley standing in front of the janitors closet, we approached her.

"Hey Ashley, what's wrong?" Sal questioned.

"The damn closet is locked. I need something in there to test the bologna." She said disappointed.

"I tried to pick the lock, like Larry showed me, but now my hair pin is stuck in the key hole. It's jammed." She said

"We could use some pliers to get that out but..." Sal hesitated

"But they'd be in the closet or with the janitor but he always leaves for lunch." I continued.

"Well see what we can find!" I finished.

"Thanks guys,in the meantime I'm going to keep trying to get this out" Ashley thanked us.

After we finished our conversation with Ashley, we went to the court yard.

"Hey there's a tennis ball in the tree" sal grabbed it.

We went back into the Hall and met up with Larry.

"Any luck?" Sal questioned.

"The teacher's are in the lounge. I'm waiting for the right time to sneak by." Larry said.

"Oh sal maybe you can throw that ball you found outside on the window to distract them." I thought

"Good idea!" Sal said heading outside

"The teachers are in there. Maybe if I through the ball hard enough they'll hear it and I'll get their attention." Sal said

Sal threw the ball at the window.

As he did we heard the teachers taking.

"Huh, what was that?" One of the teachers questioned.

"I don't know, sounded like it was coming from outside" the other teacher said.

"I don't see anything"

"Neither do I"

"Maybe it was one of those damn birds again" a teacher suggested.

"I think we did it" I whispered to sal

"Yeah let's go check on Larry to see if he got it." Sal whispered back

"Did you get past?" Sal asked

"Yeah, good thinking dudes. I saw her file!" Larry said

"Awesome, anything to help us?" I ask

"Well I had to book it, so I didn't get a good look really. If you can distract them again maybe I can just take the file?"

"I don't know,we don't wanna draw attention to our selves by stealing the file." sal said

"Alright, your the boss sally. So what should we do?" Larry asked

"Maybe you can take a picture of the file with this camera I borrowed it from Ashley." I suggested

"Good thinking y/n, ready when you are" Larry said.

So sal and I went back outside and threw the ball again.

As we did the the teachers went back to the window investigating the noise.

When they left me and sal went back to meet Larry.

"Did you get it?" Sal asked

"Dude, the file is missing!" Larry said

"What?! How can that be? No one else could have went in there without you seeing them! " sal started to worry.

"Heh, just fucking with you dudes. I got the picture." Larry said laughing

"Very fucking funny" I said sarcastically

'Oh you ass hole, Nice! Let's take a look at it" sal said.

We all took a peek at the Polaroid.

"I think I know what to do, we'll meet you back in the lab." Sall suggested

"You got it dude" Larry said walking back to the lab.

"Seems like were one step closer to finding out the secret." I said

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