The Smile Of Dying

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•Chapter 7•


It was a raining saturday evening.

Y/n had just got in a fight with their mom.

They were all alone in there room.

Y/n felt like dying, this was the worst fight you has gotten into with their mom.

She called you names and yelled at you non stop.

Just thinking about it made you cry even more, if your mom was here she would just call you a crybaby or maybe something even worse.

While you were lying there you hear a voice coming from the Wally talky Larry gave you when you both first met.

"Hey y/n you there.? "

You wanted to just ignore it not feeling like talking or getting up.

All you wanted to do was lay down hoping you would drift off and forget everything.

"Cmon y/n I know your there dude, you never leave your room anyway"

You decided to get up knowing if you didn't Larry would probably come over, and you didn't want him seeing you like this.

"Yea.. I'm here what's up? "

"Good, mom went to work and I'm bored thought you would wanna hang out I asked sal but he said he is busy"

As much as you really didn't want to I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

"Yea sure I'll be there in 5"

"See ya dude"

And with that the static of the walky talky went away.

You got up and put a sweater and some sweats on not bothering to put your hair up.

You walk to your door and put your shoes on.

You walk out closing your door.

You take a glimpse at sals door hearing conversation coming from it.

It sounded like a female. As much as you didn't want to snoop you go to his door and place your ear on the door.

You hear sal and.... Ashley's voice.

They were talking about the dance from the sounds of it.

I guess this is what sal meant by him being "Busy" He was confessing to Ashley.

You slowly walk away from the door getting on the elevator.

You wondered if sal asked her yet.

You were disappointed by the thought but brushed it off as you put your card into the slot and head to the basement.

As soon as you get out the elevator you see chug sitting at the vending machine getting a couple chocolate bars.

you haven't seen chug in a while so it was nice to see him around.

" Hey chug, how ya been? "

"Oh hey y/n! All good just getting some chocolate bars for maple and I"

"Oh that's nice, tell maple I said hi"

"Will do, see ya later y/n"

And with that you both went your ways you heading into Larry apartment and chug getting on the elevator.

You knock on Larry's door then walk in. You see your friend sitting at his canvas painting as usual.

"Hey Larry.. "

"Hey y/n w-" Larry looks at you and immediately his smile goes away.

"What's wrong..? Don't tell me you expected me to be all dressed up" You let out a small laugh

"Have you been crying..? " Your best friend asked you in a worried tone

"You can tell...? "

" Of course I can, your eyes are redder then mine when I'm high, come sit down dude tell me what happened. "

"Larry if I tell you this you promise not to tell anyone.. "

"Yeah y/n, of course. you can count on me"

"Well I... Like sal"

"Oh... Damn"

"Is it that bad... "

"Considering he told me he was asking Ashley to prom today... Yeah"

Your smile completely faded when you heard those words come out of his mouth.

"I know..."

"I'm so sorry y/n, I know how you must feel"

To be honest you felt like you wanted to die.

Your heart hurted and you just had enough things to go through already.

"I honestly am bummed about it to, if I'm being honest it's kind obvious you like him. It sucks to lose someone you love and they don't even know it. But hey if it makes you feel better we could ditch prom after your performance and watch movies... Like old times yeah? "

"Y'know what that actually sounds nice.. Thanks Larry don't know what Id do without you"

"That's what a brother is for" He gave you a small shove on the shoulder, You both always considered yourself siblings even when your actually not. Larry was always a brother figure to you.

He checks on you a lot, makes you feel better and Lisa is like your second mom.

You felt so much comfort by them.

You felt so much better not wanting to smile in front of the pain.

Larry made it all go away.

You both then got into a comforting hug and stayed like that for the rest of the day watching movies and painting.

"TWO SLOW DANCERS" | S. FISHER|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin