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Gawain stood ready, a small practice gun clasped in her hand as the sound of heavy thumping steps sounded from all around her. The other men spreading out around their designated area, each holding different and far large guns then hers, after all she is the chosen 'lunatic' for today's mission.

"Come one JB!" Eggsy shouted, growing irritable with his small stubborn pug, who now sat on the grass sleepily. Eggsy tugged upon the lead, trying to get the small, but strong, animal to move even a little, all the other candidates having already passed him. Gawain raised her body above the hedges, catching sight of the young adult, the other men having turned to her left as a group of three rounded a corner. Shouts erupted from where the group were running, startling Eggsy as he pulled out his fake gun.

She smiled, finding immense satisfaction in knowing that she has the pleasure of taking down the rough boy. Hopping to the side, Gawain threw a small rock to her right, rustling the branches and leaves to set off the boy. After all, that is a tactic that all lunatics she's fought tend to do. The screams from the other team began to die down, the other men still not returning to their posts, making Gawain a bit uneasy.

Eggsy turned to the bush, his gun shifting down a line, as if he had seen her throw the rock. Gawain stammered, not expecting the boy to have worked to quickly, the bush she hide behind proving little protection. His gun closed in on her crouching body, his fingers pulling back the trigger as he pulled the pug closer to him with his leg. "Come out!" He shouted, his voice even and confident, gun not even shaking. "I won't hurt you if you come out!"

"No!" Gawain growled, fully immersing herself into her character, running from the side of the hedge, skidding along the floor as she aimed for Eggsy's dominant leg, his right. The fake bullet slammed into his leg, tranquillising it temporarily, making the boy stumbled to the side. Without a second to waste, or a second for Gawain to think or react, Eggsy fired a fake bullet which hit her square in the shoulder. Her arm went slack, the gun falling from her grip as she grimaced at the boy. Swiftly, she gripped the gun with her opposite hand, mentally thanking Harry for forcing her to be ambidextrous.

She fired another bullet, this one connecting to his wrist, making the muscle convulse from the sudden impact. He dropped his gun, the metal falling towards the floor, Gawain made a beeline for it. She kicked Eggsy back, her boot hitting the boy square in his stomach as she fumbled for the gun, kicking it far away from the two. "Give up." She ordered, holding her gun towards his head threateningly, her other arm still slack on the dirt floor.

"A Kingsman never gives up." Eggsy growled, squirming towards the girl. Within a second, Eggsy stood on top of her, his leg still limp, a gun turned towards her head. Gawain blinked, unable to comprehend how the boy moved to quickly with both his dominant parts tranquillised. She turned to move, only to find that her arms and legs refused to cooperate, both flopping in rather uncomfortable positions beside her body.

"I underestimated you Eggsy." Gawain said after a moments hesitation, a new found respect now glimmering in her eyes for the boy. "Didn't know you could fight like that." She praised, turning her head to see the little pug sat happily between her legs, panting lightly.

"A lot of people underestimate me." He lowered the gun, placing it back into its holster on his belt.

"Your the first candidate to catch a raging lunatic." Gawain joked, her respect for the boy making her more comfortable in his presence. Eggsy stood straighter, his ego bursting through the sky before blushing profusely. "I don't suppose you have any of that anti numb stuff?" Gawain raised an eyebrow, eyeing the empty needle bottles and the small dotted parts on his leg and arm.

"No." Eggsy answered sheepishly, placing a hand over the bottle in shame, hoping that she hadn't seen them.

"That's a shame." Gawain said, looking at the puppy who now started chewing her boots playfully. "Guess you'll have to carry me back then." She added nonchalantly, watching in amusement as Eggsy's eyes widened.

"How would I?" He asked awkwardly, a light blush creeping up on his cheeks at the thought of carrying her back in front of everyone.

"Just fling me over your shoulder you pilock." Gawain harshly spoke, growing irritable of the idiotic question, wanting nothing more than to get feeling back in her limbs. Eggsy faltered, glancing at the dog and then Gawain, wondering how he is going to manage the two.

"Right." Eggsy grabbed his dog, placing the small animal, who whined in protest, in the front of his jacket, zipping it up so that JB sat comfortably in it. Next, he reached down for the girl, flinging her over his shoulder harshly.

"Try not to break my neck." Gawain scolded, whiplash creeping up on her from the boys brute strength.

"Just be thankful I'm not leaving you there." Eggsy responded coldly, walking towards the edge of the woods.

"You should respect your higher Kingsman." Gawain warned, wishing with all her might that she could kick the boy in his face.

"If you're higher than me, why did I beat you so easily."

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