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"Honestly Harry I was just having fun." She mumbled, crossing her arms irritably over her chest as the car zoomed past run down houses and shops. The GPS dinging as she neared a rather broken looking pub, one that made her attire stand out like a sore thumb.

"Right." Harry's voice answered over the intercom, his famous gentleman accent slipping at the girls idiocy. Harry never approved of her becoming a Kingsman as he feared that she may be too reckless, which she is, and that she may become the downfall of their society. He still believes this. Which is why he had insisted to keep a sharp eye on the young female so that he may ensure she will not destroy his prized life.

"You want me to go in there?" She asked, eyes scanning the pub with disgust, hands gripping the white leather of the cab seats. No response came, a ringing silence replacing her mentors words, signalling that he had ended the tedious conversation.

"Thanks." She murmured, glancing once at the driver before slipping out the black cab and onto the dirty streets. Her boots hit the tar, a sticky substance clinging to the bottom of it, making her want to dash back into the cab and zoom back to headquarters. Scraping her foot along the tar, she etched closer and closer to the sticky looking wooden door, dusty mini curtains lining the grimy window which made it nearly impossible for her too see inside.

She peeked her head inside, coming face to face with a plump man, cheeks a rosey pink as he grinned down at her. "Bloody hell you're well fit." He remarked, squaring up to her as she stood in the door way, her arms just visible to Harry behind the fat man.

"Cheers." Winking at the man, she shifted past him, knocking against his oily fat skin which made her skin crawl. Her eyes pleaded for Harry's familiar face, the men in the pub liking the new scenery a bit too much for her liking.

"Ah Gawain." Harry greeted, clasping his hands together in relief as the girl came into view. She glanced at him, quickly making her way to the their back little table where another boy sat.

"Galahad." She greeted curtly with a short nod of her head, placing her arms neatly behind her back as she reached the table. She took any moment she could to show off her posh demeanour to Harry as a way of saying 'fuck you' to the pretentious man. She turned her head towards the boy, his attire practically screaming the words 'Roadman', however she gave him a curt nod.

"Please sit." Harry motioned a hand towards a stray chair just opposite their table, it's cushion lined with plastic as a way to prevent stains from spilt drinks. From the way the wooden floor stuck to her boots, she guessed that spilt drinks often happened here. She pulled up the chair quickly and quietly, swiftly falling into it as the two men turned their attention back to the conversation at hand.

"As I was saying Eggsy, you're truly wasted potential." Harry remarked rudely, lifting up his Guineas, taking a long hard sip as though he's waiting for Eggsy to process the words.

"Fuck off." Eggsy rolled his eyes, falling back further into his wooden seat, draping an arm over the back as though to assert dominance. "You don't know the shit I've seen." He retorted, anger lacing each syllable.

"Now I-" A large slam emerged from behind the girl, followed by shuffling of feet and the scraping of chairs.

"You fucking wanker!" A deep British voice rang throughout the pub, she could already guess what he wore based on the chav like accent. The footsteps closed in on the three, four big men surrounding them threateningly.

"How dare you fucking step foot in here again!" Another shouted, this one farther than the men that stood around them, he sounded far more authoritative.

"Now gentlemen if you don't mind," Harry looked up at the men, an innocent flare in his eyes. "I'd like to finish this pint." He said, lifting up his glass slowly.

"Shut up old man!" One man on the left shouted, his balding head making him look rather foolish.

"You two should go." Eggsy spoke in a small voice, eyes glued to his fidgeting hands. Her heart wrenched for him, he suddenly looked to small and innocent, the fear that he tried to hard to hide coming out ever so slightly.

"Alright." Harry responded after a moments silence of him eyeing the men and Eggsy. She wanted to protest, seeing the broken figure of the boy killing her inside, but she knew better.

"If you're looking for another rent boy, they're down the corner on Smith street." Harry stopped dead in his tracks, making the girl almost bump into him at his sudden action.

His hand slowly reached for a lock at the door.

Valentine || •Eggsy Unwin•Where stories live. Discover now