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"Manners." She etched away, slipping to the back of the pub, near where Eggsy sat as Harry closed a lock. "Maketh." The men all looked around at each other, seeming confused at the old mans actions as Harry closed another lock. "Man." He closed the last lock, reaching for the tip of his umbrella.

With a simple flick, he sent a pint of beer flying onto one of the men's forehead with his umbrella, the room falling into a dangerously quiet silence. The man stood for a moment, body swaying uneasily as he stood, the silence so intense that each breath sounded like an alarm. His 'friends' if you will, watched the man sway, a trickle of blood falling down from where he had been struck. And then he fell. A great crash of heavy weight upon old wood sounded throughout the room, restarting the small brains of the other men who now charged at Harry.

She sprung to action, flinging the end of her own umbrella towards a skinny looking man, the hook connecting perfectly with his neck. He had no time to react, for she swiftly pulled it back towards her body, sending the man into the ground with a loud thud. As if the impact wasn't enough, she slammed her boot onto his face, a crunch would be heard as his nose snapped from the impact, but the loud screams and wails from the men drowned it out.

Another man flung towards her, thrashing a knife messily at the girl, who simply dodged out the way, weaving left and right. She cared very little for his careless movements, eyes trained on Harry who had taken down five men already. She had only taken down one. Growing jealous and impatient, she struck the man with her pint, glass smashing against the tip of bald head. Immediately the man fell, which allowed the girl to stun him quickly with her watch and trudge towards Harry who had now finished with the rest.

"How'd you do that?" She inquired, pointing a finger at one of the men who lay in a strange position atop a table. She sounded like a curious child discovering a new toy, eyes alight in wonder at the blue vein marks which seeped up the mans arms.

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Harry responded, weary of her almost delighted tone. She sensed his uneasy atmosphere, composing herself as the two turned back to Eggsy, his face filled with shock and a hint of awe, though his ego shall forbid him from saying so.

"What the fuck!" A gruff voice shouted from behind the grimy bar, his face devoid of any emotion except pure horror. A fat, greasy hand reached for the worn down phone, his face now turning to the dial but his shaky fingers slowed him down.

"Honestly." She rolled her eyes, holding onto her watch which released a little red pin into the mans neck. He jolted and stood for a few seconds, similar to the man earlier, before slamming down onto the bar with an obnoxious thud.

"Now." Harry fixed his bespoke suit, stepping and sliding over the passed out bodies, his shoes clanking wonderfully on the floor. He soon reached the table, gently sitting back down in his hair, an old hand reaching for the lovely pint of Guinness that held less than a shot in. "Sorry Eggsy." He held out his watched, aiming it perfectly at the boy, she could tell Harry didn't want to do his. "But we shouldn't have done that."

"I won't tell no one, I swear!" Eggsy pleaded, holding his hands up desperately as he stared down the old man. Harry waved, his arm staying in place for a moment before he lowered it back down.

"Alright." Harry stood up, placing a hand in the boys shoulder as he sat there stunned. She glanced at the boys shoulder quickly, catching a glimpse of the small device that she likes to call 'nosy neighbour' sitting on his shoulder.

"Goodbye Eggsy." She waved a hand at the boy, softly bidding her temporary farewell to the boy. She turned on her heels, swiftly following Harry out of the old door and into the same cab she had arrived in.

"I suppose we aren't done with him then?" She inquired, the engine starting once the two had sat down in the white leather. The car wizzed back in the same direction she had came, litter outlining each road and house.

"Good observation." Harry praised, sending the girl a weak smile. "I take it you saw it?" He asked, tapping in the directions to an unknown location seemingly not far from where they were.

She nodded her head, eyes not leaving the navigation while the car turned down alley after alley. "Good," Harry paused, a signature move of his when he gave out important orders. "I'd like you to wait outside the young mans house. Escort him to our tailors but say nothing about us." Harry instructed as they turned another bend, the destination nearing.


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