Hedgehog vs egghead

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Dr. Robotnik: Welcome to San Francisco, Are you enjoying the clam chowder?

Sid: ahh, we meet at last whoever you are!

Some of the group snack their faces

Dawn: it's been confirmed. You really are an idiot!

Sonic: (confident) Your flying eggs are pretty impressive, Mr Eggman. But let's face it, you'll never catch me.

Dr. Robotnik: (nodding) Confidence... A fool's substitute for intelligence.

He opens the hatch of a button, which supercharges the quill he has obtained. "Prepping Quill Energy" appears on a readout. All of the drones surrounding the heroes simultaneously open their flaps to attack mode

Sonic: (looking around) That's not good.

Sid: do ya have any plan?

Sonic: yes but ya may not like it

Manny: how so?

He suddenly bolts toward the wall behind them, then toward them, pushing rue gang off the roof. all of them scream as they're falling down the building. Robotnik looks down at them in surprise, then sits back. He can't believe Sonic did that

Dr. Robotnik: I was not expecting that. (shrugging) But I was expecting not to expect something, so it doesn't count.

All of the drones open fire at Sonic, but they slow down and stop, just as they're about to hit the hedgehog. We've re-entered Sonic's realm of speed. This time, Kelly Finnigan's "Catch Me I'm Falling" begins as we see the gang falling and Robotnik reaching out to push the red button (the look on his face is pricelessly hilarious), while Sonic does his well known idle animation. He waves some of the rockets out of the way, grabs two of them and drums down the bullets flying towards him (the sound produces another SEGA easter egg). As Sonic dismantles the drones, Robotnik's finger inches closer and closer to the button. When he presses it, the music stops as the Eggmobile is charged up and flies straight upwards. Just as Sonic pushes two of the drones around so that they will fire at each other...

Sonic: (doing finger gun gestures) Pew! Pew, pew, pew! Pew, pew, pew, pew...

the machine flies back down and pulls out a laser. Sonic's eyes widen in horror as it is fired. He tries to get out of the way, but the beam blasts him out of his bullet time. When he regains consciousness, he sees the gang,  quickly coming closer and closer to the concrete below. Sonic, surrounded by his scattered rings, screams and tries to grab one of them, which is just out of his reach

Sonic: Come on! (air swimming) Come! Come, come, come, come, come! (reaching) Come on, come on, come on!

The hedgehog then, in a moment of quick thinking, pulls out one of his quills. He fishes the ring out of the air and finds his footing. While running down the Pyramid, he throws the ring, teleporting the falling creatures back to where they met, flying sideways into an open barn

Sonic: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Sonic skids, falls down a tree and lands on the sidewalk. Crashing and clattering sounds of all kinds are heard as rings, broken drones and rubble fall down around him. With the gang they get up and charge back to sonic. With said character, Sonic shakes his head to get his bearings. Robotnik's machine has lowered to the same level

Dr. Robotnik: Can I give you one genius piece of advice? Don't run. It'll only hurt more if you do. And it's bad for your joints, they've proved it.

Sonic: (determined) All right, Eggman... You wanna get fast? Let's get fast!

He quickly scrambles around to collect his rings and runs away. Robotnik puts his goggles on

Dr. Robotnik: The hard way, it is.

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