Chapter 41 - The Aftermath of Our Endeavor

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Qin Yi Heng did not respond to me straightaway, but merely said, "Bring the whole family here, I will see whether I can find out anything by asking them questions."

This family seemed to have regarded us as their saviors, and they willingly answered all his questions. Qin Yi Heng analyzed all their bazi (A/N: eight characters from birthdate) and asked them whether they had went to any special places, or if they had done anything out of ordinary. However, the family said that they haven't done anything extraordinary or went to any special places.

After hearing this, Qin Yi Heng glanced at me and tilted his head. I can only told them that there are no problems with the house and it has more to do with their destiny, and there is no particular way to help them but to request the help of an expert.

The family became downcast when they heard this. I felt guilty when I saw their disappointed looks, but we really can't help them, so we better depart quickly and prepare to return to our home.

As we were preparing to depart, the wife of the house owner suddenly called me and asked, "Is temple a special place? But, I last went there several years ago."

When Qin Yi Heng heard this, he asked her, "Did you do anything out of ordinary in the temple?"

The wife shook her head, indicating that she has not and said, "I am very religious. So, as my body felt unwell, I immediately went to a temple which my friend said is effective. I wished for my body to become healthy. I am not quite sure whether it is really effective, but I really felt that my body has become healthier when I returned from the temple. However, after several days, the rest of family suddenly becomes afflicted with serious illnesses that cost us lots of money."

After Qin Yi Heng heard her words, he knitted his eyebrows and after thinking for a while, he asked the wife, "Did you wish for anything?"

The wife nodded and said, "Yes."

Qin Yi Heng seemed to realized something and said, "Did you promise to do anything in return at that time?"

His words caused the wife to become a bit confused, and she seemed to not understand the meaning behind his words.

Qin Yi Heng then proceeded to explain, "Please repeat the prayer you gave to the temple to me."

The wife then said, "I didn't remember the exact words, but I merely said that I wished for my body to become healthy, and that I will create a golden sculpture for the God in return."

I understood the gist of the situation from her words, apparently the wife had wished for something and her wish truly came true, but she still did not fulfill the promise to build the golden sculpture, and it then has the opposite effect. I then asked Qin Yi Heng whether that was the case.

Qin Yi Heng immediately nodded and said, "The problem started there."

After saying it, he then dismissed the wife for a while, and he pointed her back to me while saying, "We might not be able to see it with our eyes at this moment, but in a metaphysical sense, she is possessed by some sort of spirit. But, he can't really tell what spirit it is."

Currently, we are able to find the problem but there are still things I don't quite understand. Shouldn't the divine gods help all of the living beings because it is their pledge? In this case, they seem more like loan sharks collecting their debts. However, I did not communicate my thoughts in front of the family, but merely help them find a solution.

Qin Yi Heng said, "The method to solve this problem is actually simple, and it is to fulfill the promise you made at that time. Therefore, you would need to create a golden sculpture of that God, then only will the issue be resolved." The family seemed to accept his explanation, and they say they will go to the temple to fulfill the promise. They simply couldn't handle any more incoming hospital bills.

When I see the problem is solved, I didn't worry too much. When we are about to depart, this family wanted to give me two thousand yuan, but I simply refused. After all, this family is in a state of financial difficulty, and they are also about to lose some more money. We didn't exert much energy to help them, so we should just help them for free. This family is also very friendly and treated the two of us for a meal.

It was during them that I whispered a question to Qin Yi Heng, "Why would the god be so stingy and narrow-minded?"

He patted his hands and said, "That is not the case, but we should not take the promises we made to them lightly. If our wishes are granted, we have to fulfill the promises we made. Otherwise, won't we be fooling the gods?"

"There are lots of people who will worship at any temples regardless of what gods resided there. This is actually not a good habit, especially if you made the same wishes to many gods. If that wish came true, you would not be able to know which gods are the ones who granted your wishes."

What he said made sense, and I just understood his meaning. A temple has millions of donations as it is a form of repayment for the fulfillment of their worshipper's wishes. I also wouldn't dare to say that no temples are effective, but in facts a lot of temples are ineffective. A lot of fulfilled wishes are merely coincidences, and because the results can only be categorized as effective and ineffective, when your wish came true, it is unclear whether that wish is granted by the gods or not. However, I've seen a lot of similar events in real life, but I'm still unsure about all this as there are in fact exceptions.

I ate the meal happily and drank quite a few bottles of wines, and the atmosphere is good. When we are about to depart during the night, we then searched for a hotel to spend the night. It is unsafe to travel during the night, and we are also afraid of being caught for driving under influence, so we decided to wait for the next day before returning. When night comes, I intended to drink some more with Qin Yi Heng while chatting about some stuffs, but he immediately slept when we reached the hotel. I wouldn't feel good if I wake him up, so I proceeded to also sleep.

Noon the next day, I was awaken by a phone call, and it turns out to be the friendly male house owner. He said that if we still have time, he would like to introduce us to a house owner. To be honest, this family is really nice, and I can tell that he still felt bad because we didn't take the money they gave us, so he wanted to repay us in some way. Therefore, he wanted to introduce us to a house owner as way of repayment. I actually wanted to visit this house, and would have already gone there myself. But, I know I can't do anything by my own. Fortunately, Qin Yi Heng is also awaken by the phone call, so I communicated the offer the male owner has made to Qin Yi Heng. He didn't refuse, so we agreed to give the house a visit.

We then agreed on an appointed time to visit. But, Qin Yi Heng and I first searched for a place to eat. After we stuffed ourselves, we then went to meet the house owner and immediately went to the east-side of the city. I originally did not have a good impression of this city, but I didn't expect to take such a long time to reach the house. ON our way, I asked the male owner several questions about the house's circumstances.

He said, "This house is located on a business district and is quite old. However, it has not been demolished despite several urban planning and has been renovated continuously."

"Previously, there were few state-owned stores in the city, so the location is quite good. After restructuring, these stores are then split up and sold to different people and they were basically used as stores. The house we are going to had been turned into a restaurant selling dog meat dishes. It is said that the business is not bad but the owner passed away recently. I am unsure why but the family did not wish to continue the business. They said they wanted to immigrate, so the price they offered is not very high."

I was rather disappointed when he said that. If the family didn't wish to continue the business, and is anxious for money and had wanted to sell it quickly, there wouldn't be much profit even if the price is low.

I really wanted to return back home, but the family is well-intentioned, and I wouldn't feel good if I went home before taking a look. So, I perfunctorily asked the price to him. The price he offered to me is unexpectedly low, and it is almost as low as buying a house. We would definitely make a profit if we buy the house at the quoted price, but there must be a reason why they wanted to sell it at such a low price. Based on my experience, the price of a house is directly linked to how problematic the house is, so it is certain that the house is definitely haunted. As for how fierce the hauntings are, we would need to visit the house personally to know. 

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