Chapter 31 - Playing Dead

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I was so surprised at his words and had wanted to shout, but after seeing the place he pointed to, I tried to hold down that urge. This is really hard for me to do but I noticed that Qin Yi Heng doesn't want Yuan Zhen to know that he is now awake, so I can only verbalize my questions to him through my eyes.

Qin Yi Heng took his phone from his pocket and typed on it carefully: 'There's something this hotel room.'

I can already guess what he meant by this. Luckily, it's daytime currently and Qin Yi Heng is with me right now, so I'm not very afraid. But, I typed on my phone and showed it to him in reply: 'How could this be?'

Qin Yi Heng shook his head while looking at my message, and sent me a reply: 'Distract Yuan Zhen away from this place.'

I nodded, and when he saw that I understood, he closed his eyes again.

It's not easy to send Yuan Zhen away. At this time, everyone is already going to bed. Even after pondering a long time I still couldn't make up a decent reason. After contemplating for fifteen minutes, I even got a headache from thinking too much. Unexpectedly, Yuan Zhen suddenly changed his clothes and went out from his room. He told me that he was feeling really down and had wanted to go to a bar to freshen up. He also asked me whether I wanted to tag along. As I had wanted to send him away, I rejected his offer and told him to pay attention to his own safety.

When he went out of the room, I immediately gave Qin Yi Heng a punch, and told him that he's such a good actor and was able to pretend to play dead so well, he might as well deserve an Oscar for this.

Qin Yi Heng said that he really felt dizzy and was affected by the Yin energy from that house. He was running from that house when he suddenly bumped his head.

I was very surprised, and asked him how he got affected by the yin energy.

Qin Yi Heng curled his lips while he told me that he locked himself in that wardrobe as he noticed something weird on its door.

His words are very mysterious, so I asked him to clarify what was weird about it but he refused to answer my question directly. Instead, he told me that the strange thing is not easy to describe. He then said there was an address on it, which surprises me greatly. I then asked him about the address.

Qin Yi Heng shook his head and still refused to answer but he merely pointed to the door and said, "If I guessed correctly, Yuan Zhen is currently on his way to the house with the haunted wardrobe."

When I heard him talk about Yuan Zhen, I immediately recalled that he had mentioned that there was something in the room and quickly ask him, "What was the spirit you mentioned earlier?".

Qin Yi Heng asked me for a cigarette. He then proceeded to smoke and told me, "There was a spirit latched in Yuan Zhen's body but he's unsure about its origins. It was an unclean spirit, in any case."

He then asked me, "How did you find Yuan Zhen?"

I immediately felt anxious when he asked me that as I recalled he had warned me about Yuan Zhen by pointing towards my phone.

However, when I confirmed my worries to him, he immediately shook his head and said, "The thing that I wanted to remind you about was not Yuan Zhen, but the incense burner in the MMS."

Stove? I did remember that there was a really black object in the MMS. Could it be the stove that Qin Yi Heng is currently referring to? If this incense burner is an important thing, surely the person was signaling something to us by putting it in the photo.

I communicated my thought to Qin Yi Heng and he nodded. He said that it was precisely for this reason that we had come to that house. He had always thought that the object he had taken from the village chief house was a money pot, but after inspecting it, he later noticed that it was actually an incense burner used for worship. Such a big incense burner must not be placed at home, but should normally be placed in a temple. He later surmised that this incense burner must have come from an ancestral hall of a large family. However, he was unable to find it after trying to track it. He had also hidden that incense burner and he was surprised that it had been stolen from him.

Psych Hunter (Haunted House Notebook) : Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن