Chapter 23 - Upside-Down Pot

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I was so frightened by his words that I almost jumped head-on towards the stairs. I couldn't take care of the thread in my hand. As I run downstairs, I saw that Qin Yi Heng had walked to the fifth floor. But, I didn't bother to go to him but can only run downstairs in a rush. My foot was sprained when I was running down the stairs, but I still run without any regard to it.

It was only after I had run out of the house and ran more than thirty meters that I collapsed on the ground and started to gasp. I then realized that Qin YI Heng is still in the house, and when I looked at the door, he still hasn't come out yet.

I ran out of the house already, did something happen to him afterwards?

I was very worried about him, but I also didn't dare to go back to the house, but can only go back to the house's entrance and peer inside it. Of course I wasn't able to see his figure but when I peered inside, I saw that the starch that has been spread by Qin Yi Heng was messed up from when I rushed out from the door.

I squatted down and took a closer look. There were huge footprints on it, but half of the footprints are placed as if they were walking inside the door. From the footprints, I can see that the footsteps have no soles but it looked like the type of soles belonging to shoes commonly worn by ancient people back then.

When I noticed this, I had goose bumps all across my body, damn, is Qin Yi Heng really this skilled? Did he really attract all those spirits to enter this house? Even though, I still have a fairly strong belief in Qin Yi Heng's ability, but knowing that he is currently alone, I was unable to stay still and I feel that I need to go up to check on him.

After taking a breath of smoke to give myself some courage, I didn't dare to hesitate a lot as I was afraid that I will not be able to continue upwards if I didn't walk right now. When I reached the fifth floor, I stopped there, and tried to listen to any kind of sounds in the sixth floor. However, it was very quiet upstairs, and I can't hear even Qin Yi Heng's breathing sounds. Is there anything that caused him to be so silent? If this is the case, if I go upstairs, would I actually slow him up? However, after thinking about it for a while, I still think that I should go, what if he was shocked because of something?

After taking a very deep breath, I finally decided to go up, taking a few steps to the sixth floor. After standing still, I turn on my lighter and went to look at it. Now I was even more confused. The sixth floor turned to be empty. When I tried to look around, it turns out that even the red thread I was holding to before was gone.

Only then did I realize that I didn't see the red thread on my way upstairs. Qin Yi Heng must have taken it away. Earlier I went downstairs and went out of this house's entrance, no one else could have exited the house without my notice, and if Qin Yi Heng really went outside, he would have called my name. In that case, he must still be inside the house. However, he had discovered a problem thanks to the red head and as the village head has given us the keys to all the rooms in the house, maybe he is now in a certain room.

Thinking about it this way, I relaxed a bit and sat on the door of the sixth floor while I tried to listen, but there was no sound from the room. I just knocked on the door, thinking that even if I wasn't able to find him, he might be able to hear me.

It turns out that after I knocked a few times, Qin Yi Heng started calling my name, but the sound was not from inside the door, but from above me.

As soon as I looked up, I saw Qin Yi Heng protruding half of his face from the entrance of the roof. This kind of houses generally requires iron bars nailed on the wall to climb to the top, instead of stairs. So, I didn't pay it much attention previously as I was also very tense and had limited vision.

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