Chapter 18 - The True Dragon of Jiuzi Town

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His words nearly made me jump out of the bed, this is not a matter whether we can demolish the house or not, but without Liu Zhi's consent, it is possible that we would get a lawsuit and this would lead us to deep trouble. I immediately changed my clothes to chase him and thankfully, Qin Yi Heng didn't walk very fast, so I can still catch up to him. I told him to calm himself down; however he wouldn't listen to me at all, in the end I could simply tag along with him inside the car. We first hired six to seven workers and rented a van and went back to the house.

It has been a night since I last stood in the house's yard, and even though the sun is shining brightly, I feel depressed. Qin Yi Heng commanded the workers to dig the yard, and I have no idea what he's trying to do. After I went around the house and tried to knock the wall with my hands. This house must have been accounted for when it was first built and there couldn't have been any construction problems. Therefore even if all those workers tried their best, I assumed they won't be able to even break a single wall, let alone demolish the whole house. Thinking of it this way I started to relax, and found a comfortable shaded place to have a smoke.

Not long after I started smoking, I suddenly heard one of the workers exclaimed, boss, I've dug it out. I was extremely surprised, it turns out that Qin Yi Heng had returned to his place because he wanted to dig out some kind of treasure?

I immediately go there to take a look, and found something like a statue, however, the statue is still half buried inside the ground, so I couldn't clearly said what it is. Qin Yi Heng told the workers to dig this statue out, and put it on the yard.

I walked closer to take a look, even though the statue is not big, it is only about half a meter. The color of the statue is not bad, and it looked very old but I still can't properly determine what it was.

After seeing its head, I feel that it is similar to a dragon, however the body looked more like a dog, and the shape looked a bit funny and doesn't look beautiful at all. However, even if it's not beautiful, I thought that if it is really an antique, we might be able to sell it for a high price.

Just as I was thinking about it, the workers came to bring another statue, this statue is stained by a lot of mud and it was not slender, I took off my coat and dusted the dirt on the statue and only then did I see its complete visage.

Compared to the first statue that was dug out, this statue's shape is even worse. This one's body is shaped like a big fish with an upturned tail. This reminded me of a famous sphinx mermaid statue in Singapore. In short, it looked weird beyond words.

After seeing these two statues, the doubt in my heart started to increase. I turned my head to look at Qin Yi Heng. He was still directing the workers to continue digging the yard. The entire yard had been completely messed up by them.

I asked Qin Yi Heng what the two statues were. He refused to answer and merely told me that I would know when everything has been dug out.

Listening to his tone, it appeared that there are more than two and my curiosity is piqued. Anyway, I did not need to help. As I felt at ease, I just helped him to supervise the work.

Since the excavation of the first two statues, the next excavation seemed to have gone much smoother. I watched the workers dug statues one by one, and the ground in the yard has been cultivated. At first, I looked at the statues with great interest, but after a few statues were dug out, I became tired and went to the car to take a rest. After almost an hour, I returned to the yard and almost all the statues had been excavated, and several workers were working together to excavate the last one.

After the last statue had been placed in the yard, Qin Yi Heng stood in front of them and remained silent for a long time. I stood by and watched for a long time, thinking that he was contemplating about how he would explain the origin of those statues to me. Who knew that after a long time, he didn't turn back to face me. I patted him in the back and when he looked back at me, his expression was as serious as a statute.

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