Chapter 9 - The Door that Cannot Be Opened

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This sort of feeling is really uncomfortable, I was unable to say what I wanted to say, but could only hold myself and swallow it. After some time passed, I was about to sleep when the dog suddenly stood up, as if it had seen something. Suddenly, we really could hear someone knocking, and even though I have prepared myself mentally, I couldn't help but still be surprised.

Qin Yi Heng is very calm, he used his fingers to signal me to stay quiet. The knocking sound was not as loud as I had imagined, and the person knocking sounded very gentle. I nervously looked at the dog, but the dog doesn't bark, which surprised Qin Yi Heng. I turned my head and was surprised to see that Qin Yi Heng's phone call has been disconnected. It is during that this time that the dog suddenly begins to bark, surprising me greatly. Because this is one big dog, so its bark is shocking, but it was not only that, the dog was not barking at the door, but rather at the bedroom where the owner committed suicide in.

Qin Yi Heng slapped his own thigh, saying that this is bad, we have misread the situation, all this time the knocking was not meant that the spirit wanted to be let in, but to let people know that he wanted to leave the room, this matter is more complicated than I thought, there must be something wrong with this house!

I told him not to shout, but to tell me what to do, as this is all messed up.

After I said so, Qin Yi Heng took a handful of soybeans from his bag and let me clench it with my left hand. If I suddenly felt a shiver, I should sprinkle one and so on. As we are already in this situation, let us see what it is.

I was completely terrified at this moment, but, now that Qin Yi Heng had said so, I had no choice but to toughen myself up. The dog barked for a long time, which makes me wonder why the neighbors did not come in to warn us about the noise, could it be that they all knew that this place is haunted?

After thinking about this for some time, I really felt a shudder in my body. I did not know if this is caused by a psychological suggestion, but the fact that Qin Yi Heng is with me, I am very alert and sprinkled a few soybeans out. Originally, I had intended to only sprinkle one, but as I was nervous I sprinkled a lot.

After doing so, the shudder disappeared. When the feeling occurred again later on, I sprinkled more soybeans. As I no longer have much soybeans left, I wanted to ask Qin Yi Heng for more, but the dog had suddenly stopped barking.

Qin Yi Heng and I stood there for a while before we dared to move.

I asked him, why did you not notice that a spirit had entered earlier?

Qin Yi Heng said he also did not know why, but he thought there might be a connection with the house's arrangement. To put it simply, only by rearranging the house can the true answer be found. We were quiet for a moment, and Qin Yi Heng walked to the bedroom look around. I followed him from behind, and discovered that nothing had changed in the bedroom, my phone is still lying in the bedroom's cupboard, but it was turned off. I've seen spiritual interference affect electronic equipment countless times in horror movies, but I've never seen it happen for real, and I can't just assert that this is caused by spiritual interference as it is also possible that the mobile phone is malfunctioning.

After taking the phone back, we also did not discover anything, the knocking sound the dog's bark had also disappeared.

At dawn, I accompanied Qin Yi Heng to return to the hotel, on the way we both talked about what happened this night, and made several guesses. To be precise it was only Qin Yi Heng who made the guesses as I only echoed his opinion.

According to Qin Yi Heng, the person who arranged the feng shui arrangement in the house is a wise man, that is why after the death of the owner, he was trapped in the room and could not get out and reincarnate, and he always repeated his death several times. Qin Yi Heng said this sort of thing would not harm people, but as he would feel very wronged, if someone came there to live in, they would be afflicted with disease sooner of later. As for why the owner hanged himself, we will never know.

To us this place is not terribly important, because we only wanted to know the value of the house. Qin Yi Heng said that we really cannot solve the problem unless we buy the house and remove all the decorations, then only we can find the answer. In fact, I am quite interested to purchase the house, but now apparently there is a certain risk. Because even if we purchased the house, it is likely that we will not be able to solve the matter. However, I also agree with Qin Yi Heng's suggestion to buy it. After all, I am also curious. We finally decided that we would lower the price, and if the price was accepted, we would buy it.

I was exhausted so I slept till the afternoon. When we found the owner's wife, I tried to persuade her and get her to reduce the price. After signing the contract, Qin Yi Heng and I went back to the hotel to rest and decided to call a group of workers to get the house the next day.

The next day, Qin Yi Heng resold the dog back to the pet shop at a discount, and then brought four workers over to work. We first ask them to destroy the wooden door and found something strange. The wooden door seemed to be specially customized, with a layer of things sandwiched between the wooden boards. I touched it with my hand, it is not hard and still had a bit of texture. Qin Yi Heng smelled it for a long time and told me that it was probably made of cinnabar, donkey glue, sawdust and some unknown things. If he guessed correctly, this sawdust must have been made by crushing the wood from a potter's wheel that had been used for many years. Rotor wheel runs on a trajectory all year round and in some theories, it is said that union can be maintained. In doing so, warding off evil is one of them, and the most important thing it could do is to keep a couple together. Based on the current situation, I assume that this door customization could have been done by either the previous owner or his wife. But, they did not expect for it to work in reverse and trap the previous owner in the house.

After that, we destroyed the walls and the ceilings, but found nothing. Finally, Qin Yi Heng left the doors and windows wide open a few days, saying that the previous owner should leave by himself. Although Qin Yi Heng said that, but I still ponder why the male owner, who is a healthy and happy man, suddenly hanged himself.

Qin Yi Heng said, a lot of things have its own fate, a lot of people who committed suicide or who have been sick for a long time will choose to die on the New Year's Eve. Most people would think it is a coincidence but it is not. Fate has a lot in it. To put it simply, according to an old saying, the king of hell wanted for you to die in his watch. Qin Yi Heng assumed that if he had not terrified the thief that night, the whole family would have been murdered. From the perspective of numerology, there is always a reason for everything that happened. Perhaps, the previous owner had planned it himself. In other words, it may also be a guilt for killing someone, which may cause someone to be depressed. But the fact that the chose to die in New Year's Eve is really a mistake. Firecrackers are used to ward off evil spirits and every family wears red and colorful colors. Had there been no one to lead the way, the previous owner might really not find the door to reincarnation.

I did not make a profit from this house. A month later, I entrusted an agent to sublet the house to a few college students who were preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination and only charged a low price. At that time, I also told them directly that someone died in this house previously, but that I had already hired an expert to purify it. Fortunately, the college students were not frightened and they moved in happily. After this incident, I seemed to understand something, yet I couldn't conclude anything from it. In short, the matter of this house ends just like that. Thus, our business was delayed for a short period of time. For more than ten days, we did not receive any news of any haunted house. This was mainly because Yuan Zhen had traveled to the country for some reason, so no news of new houses were there. Fortunately, the small business we set up together had also started. When you are occupied, you would not find yourself so bothered. We only took up a new house when Yuan Zhen returned.

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