Chapter 27 - What did Wan Jin Rong Leave Behind?

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Qin Yi Heng looked very aggravated and I didn't know what to say to him for some time, despite having countless questions in my mind. In fact, I didn't even know where to begin asking questions. However, he didn't explain anything to me and went out of the bedroom to console the old lady.

The old lady had calmed down by now, and is more controlled now. She told us that earlier she was just surprised when Qin Yi Heng suddenly appeared with that kind of appearance in the middle of the night and she thought she had seen Hei Bai Wu Chang ("two deities responsible for rewarding good and punishing evil").

As we not only cause a lot of trouble and but have also made a lot of noise, I felt really bad and had apologized to the old lady, and later on I went out with Qin Yi Heng from the house.

After we exited the house, Qin Yi Heng asked me the name of the hotel and refused to return back to the hotel with me. He said I should go back first to the hotel.

In the end, I can only return to the hotel alone and after smoking several pieces of cigarette, he still didn't show his face. After waiting for a long time, he finally comes to find me with a serious expression on his face. The questions that have been ruminating in me for a long time burst out from my mind as soon as I saw his face, and I asked all the questions that had been bothering me.

The questions I asked were in actuality rather messy and illogical. I asked him whatever came into my mind. But, the main questions are these. First, where did Lame Liu go to? Second, what did Qin Yi Heng do up till now? Third, did Qin Yi Heng mention that something has been taken away? Fourth, how could all this happen?

Qin Yi Heng didn't talk and waited for me to stop asking my questions and after smoking a stick of cigarette, hesitated for a while and said that because of the modern urbanization and technology and building specifications, only a few people can calculate a house's feng shui. However, in ancient times, this sort of feng shui masters was quite plenty, and their social status is not low. In addition to using feng shui techniques to select yin houses and find burial areas, feng shui is also used to construct yang houses.

At that time, there was no concept of architecture. From the construction of the house to the occupancy, all are arranged by feng shui craftsmen. Although the art of feng shui is not too mysterious and difficult to learn, there are not many who are well-versed in the art. Therefore, a feng shui master would only take over a house's construction once a year or in a few years. There are multiple reasons for this. First, the technology at that time was not advanced, and construction takes a longer period of time. Second, the construction of some houses inevitably needs to be calculated in accordance to the master's horoscopes. Divination will damage the yin energy and will consume their life force. Therefore, those feng shui masters are famous for their reputation, but they will only have a few works in their life.

The reason why a feng shui master's social status is high is not only because of their admirable ability, but also because if they do some tricks in the construction of the yin or yang houses, it might also lead to the extinction of the owner or lead to disasters. So up till today, many people who are looking for craftsmen to build houses in the countryside know that those craftsmen would help and not harm them. Maybe a person would know a bit of arithmetic and help people. On the other hand, the art can also be used to harm people. There is an unwritten rule in Feng Shui, that is- every time a house is built, the feng shui master would record the information about the house and the owner in a booklet on his own. The name of the booklet is the "Address Book". This booklet might be a book or written in a piece of cloth, or even be sewn in cuffs. This seemingly ordinary information is a powerful weapon in the hands of a feng shui master.

If the house is renovated in the future, he might be able to find countermeasures based on the record in the book. And if the owner of the house refuses to pay after the house is built, he can also use the information recorded in it to destroy the house. If the feng shui master is an expert, he doesn't even need to go to the house himself. As long as he chooses to, he can build a house with the same proportion, find relevant information about the owner and destroy the family.

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