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Dawn and Ty decided on a photo and handed the laptop back to you so that you could make your edits. You had the photo done in a matter of minutes - it never took you long to edit something basic like this - and for the rest of class, you were free to let your mind wander. And wander it did, right back into that photography studio you had created in your head.

Why you hadn't thought of starting your own before was beyond you... you had seen plenty of your classmates doing it, but it had never really crossed your mind. Still, the idea was appealing. Working  a few hours a week, doing something that you already knew you liked. Plus, money. That was always nice to have-

A flick to the side of your head broke you out of your pleasant trance, and you flinched, looking to Dawn as you furrowed your brow. "What was that for?"

She rolled her eyes, rising from her seat and spinning it around back to where it belonged. "Ty said your name like five times." She said. "We're leaving, idiot."

A quick glance around the classroom revealed that class was indeed over, and most everyone was packing up to go. You hurriedly rose from your seat as well, closing your laptop and sliding it back into it's case. Your camera was packed away as well, even though you hadn't used it - the broken lens was tucked into the bag this time, even though it was already broken.

The twins loitered nearby as the class filed out, surveying the moving crowd like royalty (though with how tall and how sharp they were, they always looked like royalty), waiting for you to finish packing up. You nodded them on though,  causing Ty to raise an eyebrow.

"I'm going to talk to Mrs. Winters." You said, nodding towards where your teacher was sat at her desk, tapping away at the keyboard of her computer. 

Ty nodded then, and he and Dawn joined the flow of students leaving the classroom, side by side and in step together as they always were. Soon enough, the classroom was empty of the rest of your classmates, leaving just you and Mrs. Winters. 

You wandered up to her desk, thumbing the strap of your camera bag. "Mrs. Winters?"

She glanced away from her desktop computer to look at you. "What can I help you with Y/N?" She asked, sliding away from her monitor in her chair to rest her arms on the clear area of the desk between you. "Get everything turned in alright?"

"Yeah, all my work from today is uploaded." You said, leaving out the silent, thank god. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something else."

"Alright." Mrs. Winters said. "Go on."

"I was thinking about doing photography outside of school." You said. "Maybe even as a part time job kind of thing? I've really only starting tossing the idea around in my head, but I don't really know how I would start that kind of thing or if it's even a good idea. I guess I was just hoping for some input from someone with some experience."

Mrs. Winters nodded when you finished your little speech. "No, I think that's a wonderful idea Y/N." She said. "You've always been one of my more talented students, and I think doing some work outside of school would be great for you - get some real-world experience and a little extra cash as well."

A smile bloomed on your face at the praise tucked into her words - it was always nice to hear that your work was appreciated by the person that you were turning it in for. 

"As for going about starting something like that, I think a good place to start is with a portfolio of your best work." Mrs. Winters continued. "I'm sure that you could put something together online - that way you could use it for advertising as well. Maybe some sort of social media page or something."

"Alright." You said. It would be simple enough to put together an Instagram page or something like it. Maybe a website, if you could figure it out.

"And working for family and friends is always a good jumping off point." Mrs. Winters said. "Some of my first jobs as a photographer were family events like baby showers and the like."

"I'll keep that in mind." You said. 

"Still, I have no doubts that you'll do very well Y/N." Mrs. Winters said, smiling. "The work you turn in is consistently some of the best this class produces."

"I think half of that is thanks to the twins." You said, joking slightly.

"A bad photographer can make a the most beautiful models look bad, but a good photographer can make anyone look good." Mrs. Winters said sagely. "Don't sell yourself short."

Suddenly, you were feeling a lot better about starting up a little photography business. Not that you had been feeling bad about it before, but you were more sure of yourself now that you had talked to Mrs. Winters. Plus, you had more of an idea about how to start this hypothetical photography business. Putting together a portfolio would probably be the best place to start - and if you could figure out how to get a website going that would help immensely. 

"Let me know how it goes for you." Mrs. Winters said. "I would be happy to recommend you to people once you get it going."

"Thank you Mrs. Winters." You said. "I'll be sure to let you know once I get everything up and running."

Mrs. Winters smiled, sliding back over to her desktop computer. "Alright Y/N. I'll see you next class."

"See you Mrs. Winters." You said, making your way out of the classroom. The halls were mostly empty now, just the last few stragglers making their way out of their own classes. You didn't mind too much though - you would have rather not dropped anything else in a huge crowd of people today.

It was bad enough that you were going to have to replace the lens. Though now, you knew how you were getting your money to do so.

PICTURE PERFECT // Jack Manifold X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now