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For the rest of the day, you and Jack went back and forth over text, comparing free time to see when would work best, and sorting through the catalog of local restaurants and attractions to find something to make a day out of. The conversation flowed easily - though you and Jack frequently got off topic - and every time you would get a notification from him butterflies would rage in your stomach - a Pavlovian response.

It wasn't really something you could help though with how comfortable he had gotten flirting with you.

It seemed that after the initial ask, most of Jack's nervousness had flown out the window - at least over text. Even just putting together the logistical details of the date, his messages were laced with flirting - throwing all sorts of compliments and suggestive comments in your direction. You were reveling in the attention though - it was nice to be wanted, especially by someone that you, yourself wanted as well.

Eventually, even with all the topic changes and flirting distractions, a date and a time were set - this weekend, Jack would come to pick you up around eleven, and then you would be going for lunch and a wander around town together. The date would take up your afternoon, giving you the whole morning to stress about your outfit and how your hair fell.

Stepping out of your bathroom, you gave the twins a spin, showing off this selection. "Yeah?"

"Too much." Ty said, giving you the once over. "It's a lunch date, not a formal gala."

"Well..." You trailed off, looking back to the mirror against your door. "I thought this one was good."

"You're nervous and it shows." Dawn said, spinning around in your desk chair. "You want to look confident in a casual way, not overdressed."

You sighed, grabbing another outfit and ducking back into the bathroom to change. When you had asked your model friends for outfit help for your date, you had thought they would have alleviated your concerns - not added more to the pile. Were you going to look like you had put too much thought into it? Or too little? You knew the twins would never let you walk out of the house in something unflattering - especially not for a date - but this choosing an outfit business was hard.

You slipped out of what you had been wearing and into the other option you had grabbed, adding the discarded outfit to the pile of other failed attempts on the floor. You had been through about five looks now, and the twins had brushed each one off.

If this kept up much longer, the constant pulling of shirts over your head was going to leave your hair in an unacceptable state.

You slipped on this outfit, wriggling into the pants and smoothing out the wrinkles in the shirt. You didn't even bother looking in the mirror before you swung the door open, stepping back out into your bedroom proper. "What about this one?"

Two sets of eyes scanned over you, and then the twins looked to each other, back and forth in a silent conversation. It was Dawn who broke the silence, looking back to you.

"Thats the one."

"Really?" You asked.

"Didn't you look at it?" Ty said, gesturing for you to spin around and face the mirror.

You did, taking yourself in. Your hair was a bit of a mess, but that wasn't your focus - your eyes swooped over the clothes you were wearing, taking in the shape of the silhouette, the colors, the was the folds fell. It was...perfect. "Oh..."

"It's perfect." Dawn said. "Your hair is another story, but the outfit is really something."

"You look great." Ty said, sitting up from where he had been sprawled across your bed.

"Thanks." You said, a smile stretching across your face. "What time is it? How much time do I have to fix the hair situation?"

"C'mere." Ty said, patting the edge of the bed. "I'll fix it up real nice."

"Hold on." You turned around, ducking back into the bathroom to grab some hair supplies before you plopped down at the edge of the bed, tipping your head back and handing the supplies to Ty. "Knock yourself out."

Long fingers began to card through your hair as Ty worked, turning the rumpled and tangled mess that had gone in an out of several shirts into something more presentable. You let him work - there wasn't time for anything too elaborate, but you trusted him. After years of doing Dawn's hair, he was an expert.

The gentle motion of Ty smoothing your hair out was nice - you felt your eyelids droop down as the soft scrape of nails over your scalp lulled you into a state of calm. It was only interrupted when you heard a phone buzz and Dawn was handing it to you.

"S'yours." She said.

You took it, glancing down at the screen to see a new message from one Jack Manifold.

im about 5 mins out :)) see u in a few

Butterflies erupted in your stomach. It was actually happening. He was going to be here within a few minutes.

"What?" Ty asked. "You got all tense-"

"Jack's going to be here in five minutes."

"Oh boy." Dawn said, a grin stretching over her face. "You ready?"

Ty ran one last hand through your hair, smoothing out the strands one more time. "You're going to kill it, alright? Don't be nervous."

You took a deep breath, getting up from the bed and sliding your phone into your pocket. Butterflies surged in your stomach - this was easily the most nervous you had been before a date ever. It was just a testament to how much you liked Jack though - you really didn't want to screw this date up.

"Yeah, I think I am."

"Great." Dawn said, getting up from your desk chair to sling an arm across your shoulders, guiding you towards the door. "Got get your man, yeah?"

"That's the idea." You said, leaning into the gesture.

Sure, you were nervous, but you were also pretty excited. You had a date with Jack Manifold, after all.

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