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It didn't matter that Ty had fixed your hair, because Jack drove with the windows down.

The drive to the little sandwich shop wasn't too long, but it was just long enough that there was no saving your hair from becoming a windblown mess. It really wasn't fair when you thought about it - the wind whipping through the car didn't matter to Jack; he didn't have any hair to tousle.

You tried to smooth your hair back into something presentable as you placed your orders and found yourselves a little booth tucked away in the corner of the place. It was a nice little window seat - a great view of people passing by on the pavement outside. In the center of the table, some white flowers sat in a jar.

You took the seat across from Jack, smiling at the flowers. "Very romantic. How did they know?"

"I called ahead and told them to dial the romance all the way up." Jack joked. "Wanted to make sure that we really set the mood."

You laughed, your gaze turning from the flowers in the center of the table to the window next to you. The butterflies had stilled somewhat on the ride over, but you were still buzzing with nervous energy - a combination of being excited to see Jack and not wanting to accidentally mess up the date.

A silence fell over your table as Jack folded his hands together on the table. You were just getting uncomfortable when he smiled, saying, "We're not very good at carrying a conversation, are we?"

"No, not really." You said. "It's a lot harder when its not over text."

"Yeah." Jack agreed, laughing slightly. "I was trying to think of a way to tell you that you look really good in the car, but I couldn't come up with anything." He paused. "But, you do. Look really good, that is."

"Oh." You said, butterflies surging up within you again. "Thanks, I had some help from Dawn and Ty."

"Well, they did a good job." Jack said. "I mean - I already said that you look like a model, but really, you could be."

You smiled. "Yeah, you said that in the clip." It was one of the parts that had played over a million times in your memory. Even standing next to Dawn and Ty, who were actual models, Jack had still said that about you.

"Ugh, the clip." Jack said, running a hand down his face. "Don't remind me."

"I thought it was kind of cute." You said, sensing his embarrassment. "I mean, you told your stream before you told me, but it was still nice-"

"I wasn't really thinking when I said it, and then I was scared you were going to see it, but then I remembered you said you didn't watch too much and so you probably wouldn't see it, but then you did and you messaged me and I was terrfied for about two seconds, but..." He sighed. "It worked out in the end. Here we are."

"Here we are." You agreed. "I'm glad it worked out like it did - I know I don't know you all that well, but you seem like a really great guy."

Jack grinned, ducking his head for a moment. You couldn't help but smile at that as well - it was awfully cute how you could throw one compliment in his direction and he would get all smiley. He had done the same at the photoshoot all those weeks ago, and it had made you smile then too.

"That's the point of the date thought, innit?" Jack said. "To get to know each other and all."

"I suppose, yeah." You agreed.

"Well... ask whatever you want then." Jack said.

"Alright." You said, pondering for a question. "Uh... I don't know, what's your favorite color?"

"Really?" Jack asked with a laugh, raising an eyebrow. "That's what you want to know?"

"I couldn't think of anything else off the top of my head!" You said. "I know it's stupid-"

"Red." Jack said, cutting you off. "Can I ask one now?"

"Sure, go ahead."

And so it went, back and forth, just asking questions of each other. Some of them were dumb (like what you thought would make a better weapon, a stale baguette or can of creamed corn) but some of them were meaningful (like what got you into photography, or what you were looking forward to about university when you eventually went). Jack learned things about you, but you also learned things about him, like what had made him do streaming and youtube (his friends, mostly), or that his favorite feature about himself was his eyes. The important thing though, was that all of it just solidified the image of him your already had - funny, and sweet and kind.

The game was only broken when your waitress came over with the sandwiches.

"Oh, thanks." You said as she set your plate down in front of you. "This looks great."

"If you lot need anything else, you can just come up to the counter." The waitress said as she set down Jack's sandwich in front of him.

"Will do, thank you." Jack said, shooting her a smile as she headed back to the kitchen.

You looked down at the sandwich in front of you. When you'd ordered it, you hadn't thought it was going to be this elaborate - but this was easily the fanciest sandwich you had ever had set in front of you. "Wow."

"Yeah, wow." Jack said, looking down at his own sandwich. "I didn't think this place was so fancy..."

"You didn't?" You asked. "You were the one that suggested we come here."

"Yeah, 'cause the internet said that this was a good place for dates." Jack said. "I didn't know-"

"You looked up where good date spots were?" You laughed. "Jack-"

"I wanted it to be good!" He said. "I didn't want to take you to some lame ass place and then you think I wasn't cool. It's very important that you think I'm cool."

You just smiled as you dug into your sandwich. He didn't have anything to worry about, as far as you were concerned.

PICTURE PERFECT // Jack Manifold X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now